Beau: All hardware have operating systems now; full network setup pending. Today, he will customize specific machines for their roles.
Reviewed jirs issue and found Email issue still pending: Sakai-based service vs. CERE - need email messages customized to generate text that is clear to clients about who the email is coming from (i.e., official CERE notifications.) Registered name as cere@ucdavis.edu; may require filter to eliminate ssl warning; need to redirect hostname to cere@vetmed.ucdavis.edu.
Visual bug for multipe divs w/ with the same name: J.Gardiner working on div line issue to resolve
CERE Implementation Meeting
Jan - Images, Course content and copyright issues: In Resources, discussed adding a disclaimer with required signing for distribution, copyright notification for all resources uploaded. Brief, succinct disclamer released on a per site basis. Chris suggested set up of a required assignment for every site to cover all course content, including non-web materials.