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  • Ray@UCB and Jon@UCD are working on improving sakai's testability
    • This needs to get done before JSIG meetings
  • Ray@UCB lobbies for support to test and run Thomas' and Aaron's MessageService (events, cluster)
  • - Need to load test MessageService and its use in events and cluster service
    • Maybe UCD can test/load-test this?
  • Chuck's mail-archive improvements need to be tested against large production data
    • Maybe UCD can run this against production data (sakai_2-4-x)(sakaiprogrammers mailarchive) and send catalina.out logs to Chuck
    • Tony will do some testing as well against (sakai_2-5-x)
      • Estimated effort < 1hr
Standup meeting

Standup programmer meeting jan25 2008

Jon -
Looking at bugs, sak-937 and 1500, roster tool not showing up. QA has tested this once as sak-937. Can't figure out yet why the tool not showing up. Could this have anything to do with or instructor permissions? Don't know yet. Also looking at the code to see what could be causing this.

James -
Working on scorm bugs.

Mike -
Load tests. Initial load test results suggest that two RAC nodes are slower than one. Results with chatting are about the same. More errors resulted which are not understandable yet.

What constitutes a load good test and a bad test? We don't have criteria. How many errors are two many, for example.

No new work on bugs today. Working on course evaluation story. Making progress.

Thomas -
Trouble tickets. Looking into sak-1499. Need more information. It's an issue about slow performance. May be related to big file size or high load? Sending the ticket back to IT Express for more information.

Code migration meeting - are 13 bugs to merge into production.

Jon -
Changed the workflow for trouble tickets so IT Express can see the needs reproduction action? This will work for them if they need to have something verified or reproduced. Works for us also. Sent email to everyone on this.

Thomas - need to delete some things in confluence. It's very slow now. Some things are old and not relevant anymore. Confluence needs indexing.

Standup meeting

Programmer stand up jan

Thomas - Attended the hardware meeting. We need to follow up on statistics from load balancer. Joncarlo has updated us now on what statistics are available. We need to get back to Joncarlo on this.
Also need to run the load test on RAC getting ready for migration.
We decided to upgrade memory on caje after the RAC migration on feb 2.

Also working on trouble tickets. Worked with joncarlo getting patching done for the weekend.

Mike - Working on sak-1356 as far as I could. Reproduced the error on the mac but don't know enough about javascript to understand how to fix this. Javascript updates the css. Don't know why. Entered a foundation jira for this. Assigned to Lance. Their response is that safari is not fully supported by Sakai.

May want to give this to Simon rather than wait for Foundation fix.

Started specing out of guest login. We need a meeting on this.

James - Working on this sak-1434. We already had most of this code. Will finish this fast. The code that was there was turned off.

Worked on Scorm wrt resources functions. Can go faster with Scorm now.

Jon - Worked on the work flow changes in Jira to the trouble ticket. Emailed all of you on the issue of the severity measure. What do we use as the measure. How do we indicate severity: number, words? Want people to comment on this.

Also worked on site action wrt guest access to smartsite. Need input on how guest access (logins) is supposed to be implemented. Can students sponsor guests in SmartSite? Can work around this with security measures.

** Waiting for access to VETMED svn to see the code for scantron uploads

** - added by Jon after the fact (smile)

Standup meeting

Programmers standup jan 152008
Thomas - deployment this morning. Had issues with DC operators and Joncarlo's set up for the application servers. Joncarlo tried to fix the set up this morning but ran into problems. One of the operators shut down an application server too soon and locked up all the database connection inadvertently. We had to have Prabhu bring down the database to release all the connections in order to release them. Once he brought back up the database, we could re-connect the application servers. Came back up at 7:20am. So Joncarlo fixed the initial problem.

Working on trouble tickets. The list is growing shorter.

Mike - working on virtualization. DC needs to add the entitlements for Redhats for the machine we're using for virtualization.

Working on gradebook roster bug. There are two tables in gradebook's roster display. They don't keep up with each other. Trying to work through this

Thomas again - working with ucdhelp and gateway configurations. There is still a problem with creating the correct url for the main help page and the sakai help page.

James - training and support meeting. Trouble ticket mostly worked. Finished archiving bug. Forums not enabled in the archiving service. Created a story for this if want to have forums included in archiving service.

More work on Scorm. Something problematic on the sco.

Worked on knowledge base in Confluence.

Jon - worked on bugs. Didn't resolve any. Add steps to workflow for trouble tickets. Approval step. Also need a validation step for perhaps qa. Started on the import scantron story. Sent email to Scott re this.

Standup meeting

Programmer standup jan142008

James - bugs and trouble ticket. Working on the import bug I started on Friday. This is an archive then merge forums issue from Kirk.

Also working on Scorm, resource packaging. No impediments.

Mike wenk - rebuilt machine on Friday. Built the virtualization system also on the borrowed hardware. When built it, didn't see reference to the virtualization wrt redhat network. Will contact someone for this information.

Looking at virtualization confluence page Thomas built.

Thomas - getting ready for the production upgrade tomorrow for production tag 10. Joncarlo has to re-do something wrt the iptable switch. The IP switch doesn't work for all of the appl servers. Not all of them see the maintenance page as they should during upgrades. Worked with Brandon wrt help pages and gateway documentation and how this works with AFS and Subversion

Disable the pda interface. Pursue this in test.

Jon - Working on how to su into webdav, which is sak-1448. There may be a way to provide this.

Made a conflunce page re the brute force agitator wrt guest login called "xtreme login."

Stand-up meeting

Programmer stand up jan112008

Jon - same as yesterday, going through bugs. Reading them, not closing but trying to understand.

Mike - worked more on switching over from running reports on my system to mware. Mware wasn't running it's cron but I turned it on myself. Hope it holds. Finish setting up another computer for experimentation with virtualization. Then work on re-building my desktop system.

James - shared resources (scorm tool) working now. Now can provide resources no matter what we're serving on the back end. Moving forward with 1.3 changes. Then back to reporting.
Working on bugs. Lots cleared out. Need bug meeting. We also need a scorm meeting.

Thomas - worked more on virtualization page. Need a meeting on this. Helped someone re documentation on assignments upgrade we just went through. Helped someone wrt Subversion – rss feeds instead of mail notification.
Still working on the Webdav issue from yesterday. Also code migration meeting and aftermath.

Mike again - There is an account for the team now on the Mac in the qa cube.

Stand-up meeting

Standup with programmers jan102008

Thomas - trouble ticket work with webdav issue , error with special char with folder name. working on a work around for faculty. Webdav should substitue the special char? Not sure. Looking into this.

Looking into the Chat room titles bug fix. This is at the Foundation Confluence site that monitors foundation fixes. Chat fix is one of these. Can have unique title for chat rooms.

Working on the documenting on virtualization. This so we can meet with Patrick et al.
Quico wants to meet with us re virtualization also. Who else in this meeting?
How much will data center let us do?
Ran test yesterday re outage pages, we an do it ourselves with this way. Gave this a pass on the test. Using sudo command. Still outstanding issue with https:8443 people who will still get error because won't be re-directed in this strategy.

Mike - eliminating dependency on monitoring the reports. Reports can run from mware not continue to depend on my system. The oracle monitor runs on mware. Reports run on my system though. Checked all this end to subversion. On mware, mike's uers account runs reports. There had been a problem with the spreadsheet create step because the data was too large for a single excel cell.

Talked to Nancy and Leng to get access to the Mac in QA cube.
Also working on bugs.

James - working on bugs. Trying to get ready for bug meeting. Created a new jira filter called bugstofix. Some bugs can be closed maybe.

Working on wicket. Trying to get the scorm content serving faster. Can use jackrabbit jsr-170? Maybe. Newest version of wicket is slower.

working on reporting screens also (scorm reporting screens?). Need to think about profiling. We have licenses for profiler. Need impromptu meeting re scorm. We can parcel things out then.

Jon - tracking older bugs that may be in strange state. Clean up loose ends not necessarily in the Iteration. Working with groovy wrt something reports scripts

Stand-up meeting

Jon - looking at bugs. Writing new stories in confluence for jira's that need them.
Thomas - framework meeting conf call this morning. Test 24 tag preparation.
Mike - changing explain plan and other scripts on local system to work from mware... needs to upgrade system. Cycling through bugs, easy ones.
James - finalizing screens for scorm reporting. Trouble tickets this morning. Training and support meeting this morning. Work to automate corey's documentation work tgt prod and sakai help files work. Also get itexpress to give us more info in trouble tickets.









Jon, James, Thomas


Trouble Tickets




Thomas, Mike

Load testing

QA, Support



James, Thomas, Jon

SCORM Tool,Gradebook, CourseManagement,  Stats tool

New, Ongoing Development

Jon, James, Mike, Thomas



Application Administration 




Thomas, James

Code management (email list monitoring, vendor drops, tags, branches, releases management...)



Jon, Thomas, Mike


Spreadsheet generation/database 'explain plan' scripts

Support Development

Mike, Jon

James, Thomas


Foundation phone conf's (release, production, framework/kernel, ....)


Thomas, Jon



'Kirk' level support


Mike, James

Jon, Thomas

Support and trainin'




Thomas, Mike

Hardware meeting


Thomas, Jon



code migration meeting


Jon, James



monday prod meeting




Jon, Thomas, James, Mike

monthly prod




Mike, James

Agile Team Programming Meetings


Jon, James, Thomas, Mike


Iteration Meetings



James, Thomas


Outage Management


Mike, Thomas


James, Jon

From Kirk:

We did all the work to bring up the single node RAC configuration this morning but after starting 3 application nodes successfully we hit a problem connecting the 4th server. The database went into high load (> 75) and the 4th node started getting DEADLOCK errors. Initial assumption is something to do with RAC memory or database connection configuration. We therefore fell back successfully to Caje (which had been running all along). Normal production environment is now back up. Patrick will investigate next week and design a test for looking into what can be done (with communications to whoever is around and reading email).




contact us
finished mapping older ids to eids

added groovy to SASH tool
merged all the latest from trunk into 2.4.x

CM stuff

tests for everything is up to date except batch site creation..... need to assign this one to Lisa.

SCORM tool: registering a resource contenttype.


Jon = the Original Muppet
Brian = Animal
Thomas = Beeker
Mike = Swedish Chef
James = Gonzo

the Original Muppet

  • Ready for deployment, sir!
  • Ready to deploy course management stuff, going through motions, have JIRA type topics for Brian, couple of things with MViews, but operational, probably slower than we could be
    • Did some improvements for speed
    • The only perf. hogs are status descriptions for schema and enrollment sets – the other one is Banner enrollment
      • Animal was working on Banner enrollment – one of the tables is complaining about not being able to convert a number, but it doesn't make sense.


  • Not too much CAS stuff today.
  • Fixing stuff for the Original Muppet.
    • T.O.M. has some tasks with enrollment for Animal...
  • Email back from Prabhu, who said he'd tried some stuff on the MViews, but it didn't pan out. Animal's waiting on having more access to db. Doesn't think the mat. views are going to last as they are now.


  • Doing ehcache for us.
  • Last night finally figured out how to do it from a different file than ehcache.xml
  • For the Foundation one there are issues, fixing that right now.
    • one issue: there's only one datasource in sakai, so everyone should use that one, renaming necessary, etc.

Swedish Chef

  • External queries are working.
  • Got several new statistics.
  • Wondering when he can declare victory... it's a long list.


  • Working on SCORM Communication with content api
    • communication between presentation layer and content api thru ResourceToolActionPipe
  • SAK-572 – backporting Found. SAK-6990


  • found out information on why mviews were not working. Has to with oracle doing full table scans causing the entire dataset to be dumped and reloaded.
  • went offsite and got baby heartbeat


  • Course management tests - figured out issues with mappings


  • Investigating technologies for the SCORM tool.


  • working exporting links in website builder from myUCDavis


  • Several meetings(hardware and sakai fnd 2.4 planning)
  • added braddock to production cluster


  • waiting for cross schema access on dev rac,
  • Working on access stats query
  • cybersecurity
Scorm Progress

Okay, so I've got the basic mapping in place for the SCORM_2004_DM and underlying classes... which covers the bulk of the datatypes under org.adl.datatypes.

A few changes were necessary to get the ADL code to play nicely with hibernate, which I think can be implemented as fairly global refactorings if we need to update the source code....

Also added mappings for most of the 'sequencer' domain classes

Modified domain model classes for hibernate mapping.

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