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Gradebook 2.5 Test Cases

Basic Tests

Use the annotated wireframe document as reference.

Verify User Default Page and Intra-tool Navigation

  1. Verify that an Instructor's first visit to Gradebook opens up on the Gradebook Items page.
  2. Verify that a Student's first visit to Gradebook opens up on the Gradebook Items page. Not a valid step
  3. Verify that the intra-tool navigation bar is set on "Gradebook Items" and the link is disabled, black and bold.
  4. Verify that the "Roster" link takes the user to the roster tool. Return to Gradebook, if neccessary.
  5. Verify that the "Gradebook Setup" link takes user to gradebook setup page.
  6. Verify that the "Course Grade Options" link takes user to the course grade options page.
  7. Verify that the "Import Grades" link takes user to the import page.
  8. Verify that the "Gradebook Items" link returns user to the gradebook items page.
  1. Verify the text, under "Gradebook Items" title and before the "Add Gradebook Item" link, is displayed as shown on wireframe page 3.
  2. Verify that each link in the text in the previous step, "gradebook item scores", "cumulative score" and "course grade" opens a pop-up window with instructions as specified on wireframe page 3.
  3. Verify that the pop-up window closes when the user selects "Close Window".
  4. Verify the "Add Gradebook Item" link takes user to add gradebook items page.
  5. Verify the "Import gradebook item from spreadsheet" link takes user to add import grades page.
  6. Verify that "Avg. Cumulative Score" displays 0% No specification for value displayed in new gradebook. Also, no spec for Avg. Course Grade display.
  7. Verify that the column titles match the display on wireframe page 3.

Add Single Gradebook Item

  1. Select "Add Gradebook Item". Verify the "Add Gradebook Item(s)" drop-down defaults to 1.
  2. Verify that the screen layout appears as specified on wireframe page 14 except that "Category" does not appear yet and there is no message under "Release this Item to Students".
  3. Select "Add Item" and verify an error message appears indicating you need to enter a value in a required field.
  4. Enter a title for a new gradebook item. Select "Add Item" and verify an error message appears indicating you need to enter a value in a required field.
  5. Enter a point value for the item.
  6. Cancel and verify that no item was saved to the gradebook.
  7. Repeat these steps except for the last step. Select "Add Item" and verify that the item is added to the gradebook.
  8. Verify that the new item appears on the "Gradebook Items" page, the "Class Avg" field has dashes, the "Weight", "Due Date", "Grade Editor" fields are empty, "Released to Students" displays "Y", and "Included in Cumulative" displays "N". No category appears above the item.

Add Unweighted Categories

  1. Select "Gradebook Setup" from the intra-tool navigation.
  2. Verify the default for "Grade Entry" is set to "Points". Choices are "Points" or "Percentages" at this time.
  3. Verify Display released Gradebook Items to students" is checked by default and the text explanation is displayed as shown on wireframe page 51.
  4. Verify "cumulative score" and "course grade calculations" in the text beneath "Display released Gradebook..." each open a pop-up window with instructions as specified on wireframe page 3.
  5. Verify "Display cumulative score to students now" is checked by default.
  6. Verify "cumulative score" opens a pop-up window with instructions as specified on wireframe page 3.
  7. Select "Categories Only" type in at least 2 categories. Select "Save Changes".
  8. Verify the new categories are displayed on the "Gradebook Items" page.

Edit Gradebook Item

  1. Select the existing item by selecting "Edit" the item in the "Gradebook Items Summary" table display.
  2. Verify the item edit page is similar to the display in wireframe page 8 (button navigation may differ if there are no other assignments yet)
  3. Verify that the category displayed is "Unassigned".
  4. Select "Edit assignment settings" and add a due date and select a category.
  5. Select "Clear Changes" and verify that no changes are made.
  6. Repeat the previous steps except for clearing your changes and select "Save Changes".
  7. Verify the "Due Date*" field is now populated with your entered date.

Add Multiple Gradebook Items

  1. Select "Add Gradebook Item". Select at least 3 in the drop-down for "Add Gradebook Item(s)".
  2. Verify the screen is displayed as specified on wireframe page 31-32.
  3. Enter titles points and due dates for your items. Divide your category selections over the choices so that there are at least 2 items in one of the categories and there is 1 item in an unassigned category. Select "Add Items".
  4. Verify the new items you added all appear and that they are listed under the category to which you assigned each of them.
  5. Verify the arrow in front of any categories is left aligned and that gradebook items are aligned beneath their respective categories as specified on wireframe page 3.

Item Navigation

  1. Select any item in your gradebook. Verify that you can successfully navigate from one item to another using the "Previous Assignment" and "Next Assignment" buttons as specified in wireframe page 8.
  2. Verify you can return to the "Gradebook Items" page by selecting the "Return to Overview" button.

Add Item and Category

  1. Select "Add Gradebook Item" and leave "Add Gradebook Item(s)" drop-down set to 1.
  2. Enter a title, point value, and due date. Select the "Add new category" link.
  3. Verify that user is taken to a category page as specified on wireframe page 17. Verify that your existing categories are displayed and that you can change a category and enter a new category. Select "Save Changes".
  4. Verify the user is returned to the gradebook item page and that the data you enter is still there. Select the new category and save the new item.
  5. Verify that both the new item and category appear on the gradebook items page.
  6. Repeat the previous steps, but select "Cancel" on the categories page. Verify that you are returned to the GB item page.
  7. Select "Cancel" and verify the user is returned to the gradebook items page and that neither a new category nor a new item appear.

Change Number of Items to Add

  1. Select "Add Gradebook Item" and leave on default setting of 1. Enter data in all fields for the item.
  2. Change the number of items to add to 2 or 3. Verify the page is refreshed and your previously entered data is not changed or lost.

Faculty Grading Test Cases

The grading schemas and grades which make up the following stories are based on faculty use of MyUCDavis Gradebook including real entered and calculated grades.

Faculty Use of Weighted Categories - Test 1

This user set up weighted categories where some categoreies have items of equal weight and other categories have items of unequal weight. To duplicate this setup for testing purposes, use the following data:


  1. Set up 4 categories in your gradbook with the following weights:
    1. Study Questions - 30%
    2. Writing Project - 50%
    3. Final Exam - 10%
    4. Participation - 10%
  2. Set up the following item (do not set up as quizzes):
    1. 5 study question items weighted equally (20% each)
    2. 2 writing project items weighted equally (50% each)
    3. 2 exam items weighted at 25% and 75%
    4. 1 participation items weighted at 100%

Test 1a: Grading/Grade Calculation Verification
Now, grade students and validate their scores. These examples are based on real grades. Select any student and stick with that student's grades to verify the category and final grades are weighted as specified. Repeat and change grades to validate another set of grades against MyUCDavis grading. If any grade set is calculated differently in Gradebook 2.5, indicate the student grade set and specify the differences.

When grading calculation verification is completed, leave a set of grades for the test that follows this one.


Study Question Grades

Category Grade


A- B+ A A- A-



B 0(no grade) C+ C+ C+



B A B B+ 0(no grade)



A A A A- A-



0(no grade) B- 0(no grade) B A-



B B+ A- B- 0(no grade)



Writing Project Grades

Category Grade





A- C



B+ A






A- B+






Exam Grades

Category Grade


B- A-






A A-



B- A



B- A



B- B


Now, enter the final participation grade (same as category 4) and verify the following category grades equal the final grade:






Course Grade





































Test 1b: Gradebook Item Summary page
Verify the following content/functionality on the Gradebook Item page as specified in wireframe pages 8-9.

  1. Select Gradebook Items, and then select any individual item and verify the user is taken to the Gradebook Item Summary page.
  2. Verify the "Overview" buttons takes the user back to the "Gradebook Items" overview page. Return to the item originally selected.
  3. Verify the "Previous Assignment" and "Next Assignment" moves user through list of items in order displayed on summary page.
  4. Verify the "Title", "Points", "Class average for Scores entered", and "Due Date" fields are read only.
  5. Verify the "Class average..." is the same value as displayed on the summary page.
  6. Verify "Category" is read only. Verify that the category weight in parenthesis is displayed.
  7. Verify that if this is an unassigned item, the text message "Please assign this item to a category. Click Edit Item Settings below and choose a category on the form." is displayed.
  8. Verify the "Edit assignment settings" link for "Options" takes the user to the add/edit item page.
  9. Verify the "Remove assignment from gradebook" link for "Options", when selected, displays the alert "You have already entered grades for this assignment. Removing it will remove all grades. Are you sure you want to remove this item?" if you have grades for this item.
  10. Verify the "Release..." option exists and is checked by default for this item or is synched up with the setting you selected on the Add/edit item page.
  11. Verify the 'Gradebook Setup' message beneath the "Release..." option is not displayed if the Site "release" setting is checked in Course Grade Options page. If the Site "release" setting is unchecked in Course Grade Options page, the message is displayed.
  12. Verify the "Include..." checkbox is enabled if the "Release..." checkbox is checked.
  13. Verify the "View" dropdown shows "All Sections" and any sections that exist are listed individually. Note: this step is important to test when we're on a course with sections
  14. Verify the "Find" function displays the user entered, if a valid user is entered. Note: this step is important to test when we're on a course with a large volume of students
  15. Verify the paging control function is set to "Show 50" by default. Note: this wirdget will only be testable when we're on a course with a large volume of students
  16. Verify the "Save Changes" and "Clear Changes" buttons are right-aligned and functional as implied.
  17. Verify the following in the "Grading Table":
    1. Student names are clickable and will take the user to the individual student page.
    2. An email column exists - Note: email column is only testable if institution has implemented it. Need more info before this step can be written.
    3. The points column treats blanks as null (no grade entered).
    4. If GB set to enter grades as percentage, title column is "%"
    5. If GB set to enter letter grades, title column is "Letter Grades"
    6. If item comes from Test & Quizzes, grade entry boxes are greyed out and disabled. Note: only testable if Samigo is active on the system

Test 1c: Gradebook Item Add page
Verify the following category display/functionality on the Add Gradebook Item page as specified in wireframe page 14.

  1. Select "Add Gradebook Item". Verify that all 4 categories entered for this test are listed in alphabetical order and that the default setting is "Final Exam".
  2. Verify the message "Items not assigned a category will not be counted toward Cumulative Score or Course Grade." is displayed beneath the category dropdown.
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