November 15, 2006

VetMed Developers Meeting

Developers Update

Scott - Production got hit with the disappearing roles bug again. Scott sent an email to the collab dev list about this critical bug, but got no response except from Jon. Possibly because the issue only effects MySQL databases. Most schools use Oracle. He may try an adjustment on a transaction string to try to correct the issue.
Currently working on printable version of schedule.
Keith setup webservice page to get data available to Scott for the schedule printout task.
RE: SOM status - Sean at MedSchool has their system working, at least no other questions to Scott recently.

Phil - Working on the Eval chart report which is currently based on actual count for response type; he will change report to be based on percentage after Ray's confirmation with Jan.
He will further discuss with Ray regarding requirements for setting URL limitations for access to the report.
Will also adjust report display to show instructors across all reports.

Systems - Beau

Update on CERE system changes last night: GradeBook patch deployed to ensure grade submission points to production mode; submits grades to MyUCD cms final grade submission process to forward to Registrar.
Chris - Will test out final grade submisison process with Phil Cass, whose course ends next week, to ensure grade submission is successful

Bug reported by Bob Favorite, who attempted to use the manage groups tool. There is a known issue that if admin is in the tool list, it drops everyone else out. Bug is fixed in 2.3. Beau put in a Jira to remove the tool from faculty access until rollup to v2.3

Media server - box is done, ready for content. Will meet with Dave & Rick separately regarding their implementation needs.

CREST/Scheduling - Chris

Currently completing CREST documentation and closing out list of minor ToDo items. Trying to get Captivate 2 license agreement from Adobe.

Support & Training - Rick/Dave

New round of training coming up before Winter quarter; training peaked earlier and last few sessions had low attendence.

Planning - Ray

Some top issues for coming quarters:

  • Cross-listed courses, especially where sites are in CERE and SmartSite
  • Ownership issues of course sites
  • Courses with multiple sections/crns
  • Unjoing of students who are no longer enrolled
  • Folding Uportal into CERE

Team may need to delay some decisions until a 2.2/2.3 upgrade pending over summer, especially for sectioning.