DistAuth Jar versions

DistAuth Jar versions

Versions and updates to UCD Dist Auth Filter and Wrapper module(s)

Currently, the source code is in svn, and implemented via the maven build process in Sakai. Also, this process also builds and deploys the DistAuth source in shared/lib via maven.

Current versions and updates to UCD Dist Auth module(s)

Current Version(s): Built via maven

https://mware.ucdavis.edu/svn/ucdsakai/branches/sakai-core-2.1.x/ucd-form-based-distauth/ revision: 875, to be merged from Scott's contenthosting branch into core
Code mods: AFS integration, further documentation, README, etc. (AddressToken and AuthenticationFilter classes to include AFS check, cleaned up, organized, etc.)


https://mware.ucdavis.edu/svn/ucdsakai/trunk/ucd-form-based-distauth/ r537
Code mods: log4j capability, and distribution with Sakai code (e.g. ucd-form-based-distauth module within Sakai)

Previous versions and updates to UCD Dist Auth jar file(s), no longer used when using the above sakai module that can be built via maven

The following lists the contents of the previous jar versions.

Mods: Update to DistAuth code, including removing synchronized methods from various classes.

*DistAuthFilterAndWrapper1.0.1.jar (formerly known as DistAuthModified.jar)
Mods: Update to wrapper class, which includes referencing the private user variable instead of the session variable. This fixed Firefox browser issues.

*DistAuthFilterAndWrapper1.0.0.jar (formerly known as DistAuthFilterAndWrapper.jar)
Mods: First iteration of servlet filter and wrapper in one jar.