Usability and interaction design

Jeremy M. Phillips says:

 I suggest usability and interaction design as a future work plan. There's a ton1...
I suggest usability and interaction design as a future work plan. There's a ton of info on this topic, and it could be a big money-saver for the campus.

As an anti-example, I think that the campus would hold up the "advisory team" model that's been used for DaFIS and MIV where the system owner brings together a group of interested users to help guide the development. The problem with that is the word "interested":

  • The people who volunteer for these groups are typically people with specific agendas.
  • They're also typically not the "grunts" who end up doing the heavy lifting in the target application--instead, they're managers or others higher up the food chain who care more about issues like reporting and analytics (things that are important, but are performed by far fewer people and with far less frequency) than how long it takes to fill in an online form (which is done thousands of times each day by an army of people).

If we shaved 10 seconds off of every DaFIS TP data entry screen, how much money would we save the campus per year (vs many features that apply only to managers)? 10 seconds x 5000 documents/day = ~14 person-hours saved per day = ~3000+ hours/year = $25k/year+ of Assistant II time NOT including benefits.