Creating a Smartsite-test26 Release

Creating the tag

Please make sure any changes are done to the patch area before a tag is created

  1. Determine the name
  2. Update sakai properties. The base properties are located in, update the version.service in
  3. Run svn copy for main tag
  4. Run svn copy for properties tag
  5. Run svn copy for patches tag
  6. Change externals

The next two steps need to occur on the headnode of the cluster as the deploy user

Staging the Config Files

The script in the building section needs the properties file to be available so this section should be done first

  1. cd ~/config-staging
  2. mv
  3. mv
  4. svn export
  5. svn export

Building the Tag

  1. cd src
  2. Cleanup any old tags, we should retain the current tag plus one back
  3. Checkout tag:
     svn co | tee ~/checkout.log
  4. cd rsmart_XYZ
  5. run configure script:
  6. cd src/cle
  7. Cleanout the tomcat staging directory, run:
  8. Check the build alias:
    1. alias mvnrsmart
    2. Check the -D options vs what you normally run. If its not up to date change ~/config-staging/aliases, ~/manual-test26-deploy/aliases, ~/.aliases
  9. Build sakai run:
    mvnrsmart | tee ~/build.out 

Deploying the Tag

This should be run on each node from the headnode to each of the other nodes

  1. Shutdown sakai
  2. Stage tag:
  3. Start Sakai:
    1.  cd $CATALINA_HOME/logs 
    2. ~/bin/ ; tail -f catalina.out

After Deployment Tasks

Once Sakai is started do the following:

  1. Update the MOTD in the admin tool to reflect the current tag and gb version if applicable. Place any special notes(changes/patches to the code base) in the MOTD entry
  2. Send email to, that a new tag is deployed.