Versions Compared


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5. Where do project/research/ or any other non-user and non-course Sakai sites get stored?
*Answer: possibly under the /afs/ root path, but we need to determine a volume and/or whether or not the site name resolves to anything meaningful over time. Also, we need to define whether or not we are going to allow personal project sites. Institutional project sites are already determined as a requirement.

How Sakai stores content

Current Sakai architecture supports storing course and user content both inside/outside of a database. The content path can be mapped to any given path one gives it in the configuration file:



No Format
The best place for configuring this is the file.

# the file system root for content hosting's external stored files (default is null, i.e. store them in the db)
bodyPath@org.sakaiproject.service.legacy.content.ContentHostingService =${sakai.home}content

Enable the above line, and point at the root folder for the files to be stored.

# when storing content hosting's body bits in files, an optional set of folders just within the content.filesystem.root

# to act as volumes to distribute the files among - a comma separate list of folders.  If left out, no volumes will be used.
bodyVolumes@org.sakaiproject.service.legacy.content.ContentHostingService = v1,v2,v3

Enable the above line, and set the list of "volumes" for storage.  You can specify one or more volume names, comma separated on this line.  These are folders under the file system root.  Files will be distributed among these volumes.

If you are going to use multiple volume devices, you need to map them to these volume names that live "under" the root.  We have done this with our AFS file storage system at the University of Michigan.  If you are not using separate devices, then you can use any folder names for the volumes.  Provide at least one.

Files will be stored under each volume in a way so that there are not too many in any one folder.  The folder structure we use is:

{{YYYY/DDD/HH/id, where YYYY=year, DDD=day of year, HH=hour of day, and the 1111...=an id-based file name}}

for example,


or, using the above root and volumes, it might be:


Note that the resource name and type is not at all encoded here.  The date/time used to form the file name is the date/time of file creation.

Proposed solution(s)

For both spaces, use the ACL associated with the current MyUCDavis user, however make the reference now the Sakai user. Use the same IP's registered with the MyUCDavis user for the Sakai user.


c. projects/research space
Sakai has many types of sites, and each install can configure these. There will be sites related to projects and research that can be expected. User's space, and possibly another space in AFS, will be utilized for these types of sites. Content stored in user's AFS space will count against the user's AFS quota, specifically the user who owns the site.
A couple of alternatives to project sites can be defined.
1) For each personal project site, store the content in the user's space. For each institutional project site, store content in the AFS project space. This would allow us to utilize AFS quotas on both user's and project space. The metadata in the Sakai database would point to the given AFS paths above.
2) The same pattern as #1, except that sim links are written in the institutional project space directory for personal projects. Institutional project content would be written the same way as above. This option would allow us the flexibility of not having to update the Sakai database in the future (links would stay the same), and also allow us to quickly find dead links (e.g. user's who may have left the institution).

