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Welcome to the Online TAF starting point. This is where temporary


UC Davis computing account access begins!

To Begin the Process...



Click on this link:

What is the Online TAF?

In a galaxy far, far away, the past, there was once a paper-based process that stemmed from a Temporary Access Affiliate Form. The TAF acronym was created to represent the legacy process. The paper-based TAF process is being retired to make room for a newly streamlined online application created by the programmers and support team at IET. No longer will it be necessary to pass the TAF through the USPS, Intra-Campus mail, or a fax machine to complete the process. A new online application has been written to radically expedite the process of granting a temporary affiliate access to a UC Davis computing account.

The Online TAF is the beginning of a process created to grant various constituents (visiting faculty, concurrent students, vendors, and others) access to the UC Davis data networkcomputer resources. By registering for temporary access, the affiliate will have access to our network, a email address, and a unique username and password which will be used to verify identity and enable subsequent access privileges to various parts of our network.


  • Step 1. The sponsor (or their proxy) begins the process.
    Any UC Davis employee can sponsor an affiliate. Though, historically, the sponsors have been tech leads or departmental MSOs. To initiate the process, visit the TAF web site (insert URL, here and enter your Kerberos username and password. You (the sponsor) will be taken to the landing page. On this page, the sponsor clicks "Create a TAF" and enters the following information; : the proposed affiliate's name and email address, the TAF expiration date, the sponsoring department, the category that best describes the affiliate and finally any comments for the affiliate. When this page is completed and the terms and conditions have been accepted, the proposed affiliate will receive an email (at the address entered by the sponsor) inviting them to complete their portion of the Online TAF.





  • Q. What is it?the online temporary affiliate (TAF) process?** A. The Online online TAF is the beginning of a process created to grant process by which various constituents (visiting faculty, concurrent students, vendors, and others) are granted access to the UC Davis data network. By registering for temporary access, the affiliate will have access to our network, a email address, and a unique username and password which will be used to verify identity and enable subsequent access privileges to various parts of our network.
  • Q. Why do I care?
    • A. This online application will facilitate a sequence that will enable visiting people to access our data network. This can be beneficial for visiting professors, post-doctoral researchers, grant monitors, foreign exchange students, and more by enabling them to conduct their business with as small an interruption from the norm as possible.
  • Q. How does this benefit me?
    • A.
  • Q. How does this benefit The online TAF is a service provided by Information and Educational Technology (IET).
  • Q. How does this benefit people visiting UC Davis?** A. Network access will enable people to share files, use email, and research using the Internet as needed.
  • Q. How will IT Express be able to help if the sponsor isn't responding?** A. Please contact your sponsor via telephone and/or email to ensure that they have taken the necessary steps to complete the TAF.


  • Q. How do I know who my sponsor is?** A. Once you are sponsored, your sponsor's name will be included in the email you receive (as the applicant) to complete your portion of the process.
  • Q. What if I don't hear from my sponsor?
    • A. Please call 530-754-HELP and one of our Help Desk technicians will be able to help you.
    Q. If the Online TAF doesn't work, who do I call? Will I be notified before my access expires?** A. Yes. A month or so before your access is terminated, an email will be sent to the affiliate's email address notifying them that their access will expire in "x" days.
  • Q. I am a researcher and need access to upload my data from the "field." Can I access the network while physically away UC Davis?** A. Yes. Your access is valid anywhere anyone can access the Internet and enter their Kerberos information.


  • Q. I'm a sponsor and have completed all of the steps but the person I'm sponsoring can't create an account.** A. Please call 530-754-HELP and one of our Help Service Desk technicians
    will be able to help you.
  • Q. How long can I sponsor an individual?** A. One year is the maximum time for a TAF to be instated. It can be extended after a year for another year. However, each TAF needs to be renewed after one year per policy.
  • Q. How can I extend a TAF for longer than a year?** A. Yes. You can extend it, repeatedly. A TAF cannot be authorized, however, for longer than a year at a time.
  • Q. Will I be able to review other people's sponsor and/or approver list?** A. No. When you log into your Online TAF page, you will be able to see the TAFs you are associated with and specifics about each one. Other sponsored applicants will only be visible to those who sponsor (or approve) them.Q. How much does the Online TAF cost? A. The Online TAF is a free service provided by IET.
  • Q. How can I terminate my sponsored user's access?A. Call our HELP ** A. Please fill out an account cancellation form and fax it to the phone number listed at the bottom of the form. If you have questions about this form or process, please contact the IT Express Computing Service Desk at 530-754-HELP and they can access the database to interrupt accessibility..


  • Q. What are my responsibilities after I sponsor an affiliate?
    • A.
  • Q. Am I at all responsible for a sponsor's use of the network?
    • A.
  • Q. Will I be notified before my access expires?
    • A. Yes. A month or so before your access is terminated, an email will be sent to the affiliate's email address notifying them that their access will expire in "x" days.
  • Q. I am a researcher and need access to upload my data from the "field." Can I access the network while physically away UC Davis? A. Yes. Your access is valid anywhere anyone can access the Internet and enter their Kerberos informationif I don't hear from my sponsor?** A. Please call 530-754-HELP and one of our Service Desk technicians will be able to help you.
  • Q. If the Online TAF doesn't work, who do I call?** A. Please call 530-754-HELP and one of our Service Desk technicians will be able to help you.