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Comment: Migrated to Confluence 4.0


During the 07-08 transition year, the project needs a brochure to provide a first point of contact for instructors who are new to SmartSite.


Instructors who are not familiar with SmartSiteAll potential faculty and staff users.


Increase the number of course sites throughout 2007-08

Distribution Points

  • New Faculty Orientation
  • Mediaworks
  • TRC
  • Training Sessions* Departmental Presentations
  • Faculty Mentoring Faculty Meetings
  • More Thoughtful Teaching Events
  • ET Partners
  • IT Express



Is your course in a class of its own?

Simplify your workload.

Create a SmartSite to meet your unique teaching, research and collaboration needs.

SmartSite can help:





IT Times


From I&E



Per Liz

Ladder-Rank Faculty


Estimate, # from Linda tomorrow

Other Teaching Faculty


Estimate, # from Linda tomorrow



Estimate, # from Linda tomorrow

Student Assistants


Estimate, # from Linda tomorrow

SmartSite Training Sessions


CO Estimate

IT Express


CO Estimate



CO Estimate



CO Estimate

Senior Advisors, Vice-Chancellors


Bb Estimate



Bb Estimate; 10 per member

MU Info Booth


CO Estimate

















Panel 1(Cover)

how you teach
how you learn
how you work


Pages 2&3

What is SmartSite?

SmartSite is a sophisticated set of web-tools designed for higher education. It is also UC Davis' new course management and collaboration system powered by Sakai, a software development effort that brings together one hundred plus educational institutions.

Like Mozilla's Firefox web browser, SmartSite is part of an open-source community dedicated to the success of a particular piece of software. UC Davis' active participation in the Sakai Project ( insures that our campus and other members like Michigan, Cal and Stanford have an evolving set of web tools that can be tailored by each institutions' community of users.

How are other instructors using SmartSite? or How will you use SmartSite?

Faculty Profiles (Photo and Quotes on INE Pubs):
Roger MacDonald
Kristina de Korsak
Susan Keen
Milmon Harrison (Need to get Photo/Quote; use place holder if needed)

Pages 4-7

Why should I use SmartSite?

SmartSite can help simplify your workload by providing useful web-tools for your unique teaching, research and collaboration needs. And for MyUCDavis users (UC Davis' legacy course management system), another, more practical reason to begin using SmartSite is that MyUCDavis' set of course tools will be retired in 2008-09. We encourage all instructors to export their content from MyUCDavis and import it into SmartSite using a few easy, well-documented steps. Please email for assistance in starting this transition.

Which tools are right for me?

One of the strengths of SmartSite is its expanding and diverse tool set. But when you are getting started, this can be a bit overwhelming. The tools you use will depend on tangibles things such as class size, course format and subject as well as intangibles like your teaching style and comfort with technology. We recommend picking one or two reasons for using a site and starting with the default tool set. You can always add or subtract tools as they are needed. Sites are scalable; so establishing how sophisticated or simple your site will be is a matter of assessing your course's particular needs.

Reasons for using SmartSite's default set of course tools:

Improve and encourage communication


You can use the Chat Room tool for real-time, unstructured conversations among site participants who are signed on to the site at the same time. Instructors can easily create an "Online Office Hours" chat room for student questions and answers.


The Announcements tool is used to inform all site participants about current items of interest. Announcements can have multiple attachments, such as documents or URLs.


You can use the Mail tool to send a message to your site's particpants. It provides easy editing, file attachment, the ability to select recipients by group or class section.

Email Archive

Each site has an automatically generated site email address, which you can view in the Email Archive feature. Email sent to the site email address is copied to all site participants and owners. All messages sent to your site's email address are stored in the Email Archive. Each message sent to site participants will indicate if there is an attachment, and provide a link to get the attachment from the worksite itself.

Encourage collaboration among students


A Wiki is a tool for people with no technical knowledge to change and create web pages. Wiki was designed specifically for researchers and lecturers to collaborate on documents, share information and create teaching materials. It is a useful tool for creating Wikipedia-type entries for course terms and topics, developing group projects and collaborative writing assignments.

Promote independent and self-paced learning


Forums is a communication tool that you can use to create an unlimited number of discussion forums for your course. It is integrated closely with other tools like Resources and Gradebook and is an effective tool for continuing and clarifying class discussions online. It is also useful for posting past essay and short answer exam questions for review.

Collecting, grading and returning assignments


For courses, the Assignments tool allows instructors to create, distribute, collect, and grade online assignments. Assignments are private; student submissions are not visible to other users of the site. The Assignments tool offers multiple grading options, including letter grades, points, checkmarks, pass/fail, or ungraded. Assignments can also be returned, with or without grades, for re-submission. Instructors can download all submissions to an assignment to their computer at once. When instructors release grades for an assignment, students can access instructor comments and their grades.

Sharing resources with students, TAs and colleagues


Using the Resources tool, you can share many kinds of material securely with members of your site, or make them available to the public. You also have your own private Resources area in your My Workspace. You can upload files (e.g., word processing documents, spreadsheets, slide presentations, and videos), as well as create and post HTML (web) pages and simple text documents, and share links to useful web sites. You can organize your Resources items into folders, and you can control which groups or types of users can access and add to different folders. Also, you can show or hide an item at any time, and set a start and/or end time for its availability. Many classes post weekly readings in their Resources. These can include links to websites as well as to other kinds of documents, like Adobe PDF files. Some classes also post presentations or slides used in lectures. By setting folder Permissions, a large collaboration site can use one folder in Resources as a space to archive important documents, and allow only certain site participants to modify those documents.

Web Content

The Web Content tool allows site owners to choose external websites to display within their worksite's menubar. Departments, collaborations, or other groups may use the Web Content tool to provide a prominent link to their public worksite. If you want to provide many links to websites for your course or project participants, you can avoid cluttering your menubar by listing most of them in the Resources section.

Automating processes and reducing paperwork


The Gradebook is a tool for instructors to calculate and store grade information and distribute it to students online. Instructors may:

  • Autocalculate course grades, with the ability to override any letter grade
  • Define course letter grades based on a 100% scale
  • Add, view, edit, and release point values of assignments and/or assessments to students
  • Enter, view, edit, and release to students scores, grades, and comments
  • Transmit scores to the Gradebook from other tools such as Assignments to create an entry and record student scores
  • Export class rosters, scores and grades to Microsoft Excel (in .xls or .csv format)
  • Import assignment scores from spreadsheet (.csv) files
  • Let students view their own scores and grades once instructors have released them
  • Submit final grades to the registrar

Organizing and Managing your course


The Syllabus tool is the official outline for your course. As an instructor, if you or your department has prepared an online syllabus already, you can direct the Syllabus tool to link to it. Otherwise, you can enter material to post directly to your syllabus. As you create a syllabus, you can designate that it be visible to the general public or just to members of your course. Some features of a traditional syllabus are divided between the Syllabus and Schedule tools. Some instructors use the Syllabus tool to display the department's official online syllabus, and use the Schedule as a detailed resource for students.


Schedule allows instructors or site organizers to post items in a calendar format. The calendar has day, week, month, year, and flat list views. Many instructors use Schedule to post readings for each class on the day they are due to be read. Research, group, and department projects often use Schedule to post group deadlines. A Schedule overview appears on the Home tool for individual worksites. Any Schedule item can have multiple attachments. You can print an Adobe PDF file of any view of a Schedule by clicking Printable Version while in the desired view. This will open a PDF file in a new browser window.

Section Info

The Section Info tool provides a way for instructors to efficiently manage sections of a class. The tool is designed to help an instructor manage a course that may consist of lectures, labs, discussions, studio work, recitations, or any combination therein. The Section Info tool is designed to work with other tools, such as Announcements and Gradebook

Site Info

The Site Info tool provides information about the worksite that you are currently in. If you have a role that allows it, you can use this tool to :

  • Change information about the site
  • Select the tools available in the site
  • Display a participants list
  • Decide who has access to the site
  • Publish a course site after its been developed
  • Alter your site's appearance and description

For a complete list of SmartSite tools, please visit

How do I create a SmartSite... Quickly?

If you are an instructor of record and would like to create standard course site, please take the following steps:

  • Login at
  • Click "WorkSite Setup" in the menu under "MyWorkspace"
  • Create a site by clicking "New"
  • Select a course and the sections to be included in your site
  • Click "Continue" after:
    • Viewing your course's default tool set
    • Entering a unique course email address
    • Viewing the default "Site Status" page
  • Click "Create Site"

How do I add TA's to my course site?

  1. Click "Site Info" for your course site
  2. Click "Add Participants"
  3. Enter your TAs' email addresses
  4. Click "Assign all participants to the same role"
  5. Click "Continue" and then "Finish"
Side 2

Where do I get help?

IT Express

This campus service is available to The Web tools that grow with you

Panel 2-3 (Overview and Intro)

SmartSite connects you. SmartSite grows with you. SmartSite is our evolving online collaboration and course management system.

Since the pilot began on campus in 2006, instructors in the <<English Department>> have discovered SmartSite tools that let them connect their students with class materials. Instructors in the <<Geology Department>> have discovered SmartSite tools that let them manage and distribute grades. And instructors across campus have discovered SmartSite common spaces that connect students with ideas and with each other.

Researchers in <<the College of Engineering>> have discovered how to coordinate cross-campus projects using SmartSite. Staff members from <<the Office of Administration>> have connected to simplify and enhance collaboration. They have discovered how to share documents, post announcements, work on drafts, coordinate committee work, track progress on projects, and communicate with team members in other departments, at any time.

SmartSite brings our community a rich and evolving set of Web tools currently in use by colleagues at more than a hundred universities. We have adapted them especially for use here at UC Davis. It's a flexible framework that over time will enable us to add new tools contributed by the higher education community around the world.

We invite you to connect with SmartSite by discovering how the default tool set outlined here can improve your academic life today, and prepare your courses and projects for what's ahead.

Panel 4 (Communicate with students)

? Announce changes in course time or location
? Send updated versions of writing assignments

? Have real-time, unstructured conversations
? Hold "Online Office Hours"
? Answer questions during discussion sections

? Find course-related messages quickly
? Use the course email address for class mailings
? Send attachments without clogging email accounts

? Contact individuals or groups without knowing their email addresses
? Send private messages to groups working on specific projects
? Save or hide messages from site participants

Panel 5 (Encourage collaboration)

? Create and edit Web pages
? Develop a "Wikipedia" of specific course terms and topics
? Create and monitor collaborative writing assignments

? Continue class discussions online
? Build an "answerbase" for future students
? Quantify student participation by forum entries

Panel 6 (Share course materials)

? Share lecture notes, weekly readings, slides, links, audio and video in a secure environment
? Organize and release materials by topic, lecture date, or section
? Archive important documents

? Organize material in a calendar format
? Post readings by the due date
? Set exam dates and project deadlines

? Create an official course outline
? Enter and edit course outlines directly into SmartSite
? Link to an online syllabus

? List Web links in the worksite menubar.
? Provide prominent links to departmental or personal Web pages
? Create and store links to resource Web pages

Panel 7 (Manage your course)

? Collect and grade assignments online
? Download all student submissions at once
? Release student grades with comments

? Calculate and store grade information online
? Export class rosters and grades to Excel
? Submit final grades to the Office of the Registrar

Section Info
? Manage sections of lectures, labs, discussions, or studio work
? Work with other tools such as Announcements and Gradebook
? Keep track of TA participation and teaching

Panel 8 (Back)

Did you know?
Clicking the "?" icon on any page takes you directly to the help page for that specific tool

How do I get technical assistance?

IT Express

The campus computing help desk can help you set up a SmartSite account and answer questions about using your SmartSite tools.
Contact IT Express Telephone:
(530) 754-HELP (754-4357)
Drop In: 182 Shields Library
or in-person at Shields Library

IET Logo
Is there Copyright information

Panel 9

Is SmartSite training available?

Teaching Resource Resources Center (TRC)

The Teaching Resources Center (TRC) has as its primary goal the improvement of of the TRC is to improve instruction at UCD UC Davis by enhancing teaching and learning opportunities for faculty and teaching assistantsinstructors. Visit their calendar and sign up for one of the many different SmartSite training sessions and pedagogical events like the quarterly series on "More Thoughtful Teaching." the Calendar section of their Web site for more information and to register for upcoming SmartSite training sessions. Space is limited.
Contact the TRC at Telephone:
(530) 752-6050
Drop In: 17 Wellman
or in-person at 17 Wellman
Web: trc.ucdavis.eduWhat about

Panel 10

Can I get one-on-one or drop-in SmartSite help and support?

Education Technology (ET) Partners

Student technology advisers who are specially trained in the applications commonly used in teaching at UC Davis (including all of the tools in SmartSiteall SmartSite tools (as well as in other common teaching applications used on campus) are available for ad hoc, one-on-one consultation via . Either drop - in or at a faculty member's meet them at your office.
Contact the ET Partners program at:
Telephone: (530) 754-2115
Drop In: Surge II
or in-person at Surge II
Web: etpartners.ucdavis.eduInterested in learning how your peers use SmartSite

Panel 11

How are other instructors using SmartSite and new educational technology?

Faculty Mentoring Faculty Program (FMFP)

The FMFP provides UC Davis instructors This program provides faculty an opportunity to mentor and to learn from other faculty interested in instructional technology and innovative teaching. Visit to learn more about this quarter's presentations and . Managed by Andy Jones, a longtime user of instructional technology on campus, the FMFP helps to guide faculty through the technical and pedagogical opportunities offered by the many SmartSite tools. Visit the Web site for more information, to view videos of past sessions, and to learn about upcoming presentations.
Contact Telephone (Andy Jones, FMFP Program Manager at):
(530) 752-3408


Did you know... finding help within SmartSite is as easy as clicking "?"

Click the "?" button and go directly to the help page on the tool you're working with.

IET Logo
Copyright informationPanel 12

I have content in MyUCDavis. What will happen to it?

Course content and data in MyUCDavis will be accessibly after these course tools are retired in 2008-2009. The option to use the WebSite builder, Quizbuilder and Gradebook tools will be disabled; the portal itself will continue to be available.

Content from the WebSite builder and QuizBuilder tools can be imported into SmartSite using a few easy, well-documented steps. The Gradebooks in MyUCDavis cannot be imported into SmartSite; they can however be exported from MyUCDavis.

Please email with any questions or concerns about importing content into SmartSite of exporting content from MyUCDavis.