Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.
Comment: Migrated to Confluence 5.3
  • Confirm maintenance mode
  • We need to allow access from dedicated IPs for possible pre-upgrade work
  • Adjust iptables on production nodes to allow JMX access to port 9000 for specified IPs
    • PORT 8443:

# (thomas)

# (thomas)

# (zoidberg: vpn, terminal server)

# (kirk)

# (james)

# (sandra)

# (jon)

# (mike)

# (Pete Peterson)

# (Nancy Wilkison)


  • PORT 9000:



Work Aheads:



Preparation work
  • (Jan 30, 2009) Kirk , : Create the template for guest type with an altered workspace to prevent membership, resources, worksite set up and ???Account PW editing. (Done)
  • (Jan 30, 2009) Kirk , : Create the Guest Access site Add Guest Registration Tool(Done)
    • Select the following tools: Home, Site Info
    • Site cannot be joined by anybody
    • Add .anon role to site enabling site.visit function in the site's realm


    • Site Info Tool is hidden using Page Order tool on Site Info
  • (Feb 02, 2009) Thomas: Prepare sakai_2-5-x-prod-010 on sakaiprod1
During maintenance window : February 3, 2009 : 05:00 - 07:00
  • (05:30 00 Thomas) Put smartsite into maintenance mode and shutdown sakai Sakai on all 7 app application servers.
  • (05:35 Joncarlo) Deploy SAK-2586 switch
  • (04: Mike) Deploy Prod Tag 010.  This deploys the following Jiras on sakProd1:
  • sak-2599
  • sak-2589
  • sak-2584
  • sak-2583
  • sak-2582
  • sak-2577
  • sak-2575
  • sak-2573
  • sak-2568
  • sak-2555
  • sak-2548
  • sak-2539
  • sak-2538
  • sak-2536
  • sak-2535
  • sak-2534
  • sak-2533
  • sak-2520
  • sak-2472
  • sak-2075
  • sak-1638.
  • (05:30 Mike) Start sakaiprod1
  • (05:40 Mike) Test simple functions
  • (05:45 Mike) If simple test is OK, then start deploying sakaiprod2-6 and sakaiprodmail1
  • (06:00 Mike) Start all other app servers(sakaiprod2-6 and sakaiprodmail1)
  • (06:10 Mike) Remove maintenance mode for sakaiprod1-6 and sakaiprodmail1
  • (06:15 Mike) Validate all app servers are not in maintenance mode05 Thomas) Deploy sakai_2-5-x-prod-010 tag on all 7 application servers via
  • (05:10 Thomas) Startup sakaiprod1
  • (05:20 Thomas) Run on all 7 application servers
  • (05:30 Thomas) Start Sakai on all 7 application nodes
  • (05:35 TEAM) Verify Guest Access installation
    • Create a project site ("Guest Access Verification") [Thomas]
    • Enable site.add.guests function for that site's maintain role [Thomas, verified by Kirk]
    • Add guest to project site [Thomas to add:,,]
    • Register and activate guest [Kirk, Sandra and Pete to register their own external accounts, Thomas to Activate, then Kirk/Sandra/Pete attempt to login]
  • (06:00 TEAM) Evaluate test results [If all 3 users can login then good to go, else discuss fallback.]
  • (06:20 Thomas) Take 7 application servers out of maintenance
Fall-back Procedure (If needed)
  • ( 06:00 Prabhu) Run the restore
  • (06:00 Michael) roll back the executable for all upgrade changes
  • (06:40 Michael) bring up prod1
  • (06:43 Sandra and Kirk) QA SmartSite to make sure it's back in its correct state.  Check for database markers
  • (5 min ) In case the Guest Access test fails for some reason, we just won't enable the site.add.guests function on any sites and remove from "Guest Access Verification" site
    • ( 10 min ) We may want to remove the Guest Login button from the portal site by editing the and restarting Sakai all 7 application servers. Comment out the following properties:
      • No Format
        #SAK-2503: guest access - enable alternate login
        xlogin.text=Registered Guest Login

  • ( 30 min ) If code fails during test - roll back to previous sakai_2-5-x-009
    • Stop Sakai on all application servers
    • Redeploy sakai_2-5-x-009
    • Redeploy 009 prod tag
    • Running on all application servers
    • Startup Sakai on all application servers