- Verify the text, under "Gradebook Items" title and before the "Add Gradebook Item" link, is displayed as shown on wireframe page 3.
- Verify that each link in the text in the previous step, "gradebook item scores", "cumulative score" and "course grade" opens a pop-up window with instructions as specified on wireframe page 3.
- Verify that the pop-up window closes when the user selects "Close Window".
- Verify the "Add Gradebook Item" link takes user to add gradebook items page.
- Verify the "Import gradebook item from spreadsheet" link takes user to add import grades Import Gradebook Item screen as shown on wireframe page 34.
- Verify that "Avg. Cumulative Score" displays 0% No specification for value displayed in new gradebook. Also, no spec for Avg. Course Grade display.
- Verify that the column titles match the display on wireframe page 3. Note: not explicitly stated but implied: column "Weight" appears only for weighted categories and "Grade Editor" appears only if grades are brought in from other tools.
- Select the "Edit" link next to an uncategorized item in the "Gradebook Items Summary" table display.
- Verify the gradebook item page is similar to the display in wireframe page 40 except that it's populated with your chosen title and point value.
- Verify the following text is displayed next for items not assigned to a category:
"Please assign this item to a category. Click Edit Item Settings below and choose a category on the form." "Items not assigned to a category will not be counted toward the Cumulative Score or Course Grade." - Verify that the Release this item to Students option is checked by default.
- Add a due date using the calendar widget.
- Select "Cancel" and verify that you are returned to the gradebook items summary page.
- Select "Edit" for the same item and verify that no changes were made.
- Add a due date and select a category and select "Save Changes".
- Verify the "Due Date*" field is now populated with your entered date and that the item appears under your selected category when viewed from the gradebook items summary page.
- Select "Add Gradebook Item". Select at least 3 in the drop-down for "Add Gradebook Item(s)".
- Verify the screen is displayed as specified on wireframe page 31-32.
- Enter titles points and due dates for your items. Divide your category selections over the choices so that there are at least 2 items in one of the categories and there is 1 item in an unassigned category. Select "Add Items".
- Verify the new items you added all appear and that they are listed under the category to which you assigned each of them.
- Verify the arrow in front of any categories is left aligned and that gradebook items are aligned beneath their respective categories as specified on wireframe page 3.
View Gradebook Item
- Select a gradebook item by name from Gradebook Items Summary table overview page. Verify the Gradebook Item Summary page is similar to wireframe page 8 except that the data displayed is your own.
- Verify that the title/breadcrumb "Gradebook Items Overview" is clickable and returned you to the Gradebook Items Overview page.
- Verify the item title, points, class average, and due date fields are read only.
- Verify that the category field is read only - if you have added categories as a gradebook option. If the item is not assigned to a category, the message as follow is displayed:
"Please assign this item to a category. Click Edit Item Settings below and choose a categroy on the form." - Verify that the Options link Edit assignment settings is active and you are taken to the edit page.
- Verify that the Options link Remove assignment from gradebook is active and takes you to a Remove Gradebook Item page. Choose Cancel and verify you are returned to the gradebook item page.
- Verify the Release this item to Students option is checked if using default settings, i.e., if you have not changed the setting on creation. Verify the message beneath (see wireframe page 8) it is only shown if the Site release release is not on in Course Grade Options. Note: this step must be verified with GB team
- Verify the View under Grading Table displays All Sections by default and lists sections if any exist.
- Verify changes specified on wireframe page 13 for student list:
- Student names are clickable and will take the user to the individual student page
- The email column is populated
- The points column treats blanks as null (not zero)
- If the GB set to enter items as percent, the title of the column is "%"; if letter grades, title coumn is "Letter Grade" - change settings briefly if needed to verify.
- If this item comes from Tests & Quizzes, entry boxes are disabled and greyed out. need to test this on a system where T&Q works!
- Verify that the buttons at the bottom of the screen are labeled "Save Changes" and "Clear Changes" and are right aligned.
Item Navigation
Make sure you have at least 3 gradebook items before running this test.
- Select "Add Gradebook Item" and leave on default setting of 1. Enter data in all fields for the item.
- Change the number of items to add to 2 or 3. Verify the page is refreshed and your previously entered data is not changed or lost.
- .
Roster Verification
This test of the Roster feature is based on pagees 19-30 of the annotated wireframe specification.
Do as many steps as you can complete - some steps, as noted in red, are not possible to test with our current setup.
- Select the Roster option from the Gradebook intra-tool navigation.
- Verify, if the instructor has not created any gradebook items, the screen displays the following message in slightly larger font that normally used:
"To add gradebook items, click Gradebook Items above. To set up your gradebook, click Gradebook Setup above." - Verify the Instructor can filter roster by sections using the section drop-down which defaults to All Sections. NOTE: not able to verify without sections set up
- Verify the Instructor can filter roster/results by category if categories are set up. The drop-down shows All Categories by default, even if no categories are created.
- Verify the Export Gradebook button functions to current functionality as specified on wireframe page 23.
- Verify the columns are sortable by the column heading, first ascending (from a-z) sort by default followed by descending (from z-a) sort if selected again.
- Verify clicking on "Details" takes the user to the Gradebook Item Summary page for that gradebook item.
- Verify after locating a student by name in the Serach function, only that student's grade are displayed.
- Verify the Search function displays the following message in the Student Name column if the student name is not found: "No students to display"
- Verify the Instructor can filter by category for a specific student.
- Verify the top row is frozen so that the column headers are always availabe the scrolling through the roster. NOTE: not able to verify without a fuller roster
- Verify the columns to the left of the gradebook items are frozen when the user scrolls horizontally (if enough items are displayed to require scrolling.)
- Verify the Gradebook item titles are displayed vertically to save space. Titles longer than 15 characters will wrap, breaking cleanly where possible.
- Verify until an instructor has created gradebook items, the Cumulative column will display N/A.
- Verify selecting the student name will take user to the student grades page similar to wireframe pages 42-43. (There is a separate test for these screens.)
- Verify if the instructor clicks Calculate Final Letter Grade, the system will display the Final Letter Grades Options screen as shown on wireframe page 29. NOTE: not implemented yet
- Verify once the instructor has filled in all necessary information to calculate the final grade, the system displays an Export Final Letter Grades button to the left of the Export Gradebook button which allows the user to export a .csv file in the specified format. NOTE: not implemented yet. When implemented, UCDavis will modify or add another button for export to final grade submission
- Verify the Cumulative column displays Total Earned Points/Total Possible Points if the instructor chose to enter grades via points in Gradebook Setup. If the instructor chose letter grades or percentages, the column displays a percentage.