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Set up Smartsite footer links and text content for v2.3 upgrade

SAK-377 and SAK-396

Note: SAK-396 repeats step 9 of this test.

Validate that the SmarSite SmartSite footer links and text appear and function as specified:

  1. The first row of links at the bottom of the page in the gold bar are: "SmartSite", "Support & Training", "Information & Educational Technology (IET)", "University of California, Davis", and "Sakai Copyright."
  2. Selecting the SmartSite link loads the SmartSite site in the browser window. Validate by selecting My Workspace, a course or a project site and then select the SmartSite link in the footer.
  3. Selecting the Support & Training link opens a new window with the SmartSite site on the Support & Training link. Validate by checking that the SmartSite tab is selected in the top navigation, that Support & Training is bolded in the left-hand navigation, and that the Support & Training content are all displayed in the new window.
  4. Selecting the Information & Educational Technology link opens a new window with the url
  5. Selecting the University of California, Davis link opens a new window with the url
  6. Selecting the Sakai Copyright link opens a new window which displays .
    Modify the URL in the new window to read "" instead of ""
    Verify the following text appears:
    • "Copyright 2003-2006 The Sakai Foundation."
    • "All rights reserved."
    • "Portions of Sakai are copyrighted by other parties as described in the Acknowledgments screen."
  7. The Selecting the Acknowledgments screen link on the Sakai Copyright page loads this screen at the following url:!gateway/page/!gateway-600a new page.
    Modify the URL in the new window to read "" instead of ""
    Compare the contents in this screen to the open window.
  8. Close the Achknowledgements window and return to Smartsite-test. The second row of text on the Smartsite footer should display "Copyright 2003-2006 The Sakai Foundation. All rights reserved. Portions of Sakai are copyrighted by other parties as described in the Acknowledgments screen."
  9. The third row of text on the Smartsite footer should display text similar to this:
    • SmartSite@UCDavis - [ucd: sakai_full_2-3-x-000test-007] - Sakai 2.3.x - Server "hanley-dev"
    • the server name will may be different

Post your test results indicating either a pass or a fail with details to: SAK-377

Support and Training link should be automatically inserted


This was originally a two-part test to check course sites which are either manually created or created by the system. Manual creation of a course site is no longer allowed.

Coordinate with Thomas to generate a white list file of new courses to create via the system. Thomas will provide the list of newly created courses to verify against.

Test 2: Automated Site Creation
This test is limited to users with Administrative access

  1. Select a course via the Administration Workspace whose owner is the ssbatchadmin user.
  2. Verify that the newly created course site has the Support & Training link in the left-hand navigation bar as shown in 1.Support & Training link.jpg.
  3. Select the Support & Training link and verify that the iFrame which displays course content now displays the Support and Training site as in 2.Support and Training link selected.jpg.
    • the last three digits of the version number in [sakai_2-3-x-test-007] may be different

Post your test results indicating either a pass or a fail with details to: SAK-332377 and SAK-396

Add a link to the logo image


SiteInfo mailid modifications


Post your test results indicating either a pass or a fail with details to: SAK-325

Enable Database Ordering of Site Tools


To test SAK-217, SAK-261, and SAK-265, I recreated a bunch of courses via the White List Batch Job. Courses you can look at are:
AAS 010 A01 FQ 2006
AAS 010 A02 FQ 2006
AAS 010 A03 FQ 2006
..., basically any course whose owner is the ssbatchadmin user.

  • The tools for the above listed courses should be listed in alphabetical order.
  • You should be able to reorder the tools for any site via the Administration Workspace "Sites" tool.
  • If you access the "Site Info" tool in any of the sites, and then go to "Edit Tools", you shouldn't be able to remove the "Site Info" tool because it's declared as required in

1. If the instructor adds more tools, they are placed alphabetically at the end of the existing list, e.g., H, As, CR, EA, MC, R, SI, S&T, T&Q, then An, DB, GB, M, Sc, Sy, W, Help. Shouldn't the whole list be re-alphabetized?
2. Is there any way for an instructor (in addition to the Admin) to re-order the tools for a given course?

This test series is designed to address multiple issues encountered in 2.1.x with manually adding users to a course via the Site Info. Original SAK-299 dealt with preventing instructors from adding invalid users to their sites, i.e., users who do not have a valid Kerberos account and therefore cannot access SmartSite. Original SAK-342 was a bug fix when selecting 'Assign each participant a role individually' when adding a valid user via Site Info.

This test requires that you enter both valid and invalid UCDavis mailIDs, email addresses, and Kerberos IDs. A mailid is just the username portion ot a UC Davis mail account without ''. For some users, the mailID and Kerberos are the same; for others, the two are different. Invalid data would be any email account outside of the UCDavis sphere, for example, your gmail account which is invalid for UCD authentication. To come up with invalid mailIDs and Kerberos IDs, you may need to use your imagination!
To come up with valid user data for testing, you can find user accounts at Try entering a common last name to find accounts where the mailID and Kerberos ID differ.

First run-through: all valid users assigned the same role

  1. Log in to a course site as an instructor.
  2. Select Site Info from the course menu and then select 'Add Participants' from the Site Info tool menu.
  3. On the 'Add Participants to...' screen under the 'Username(s)' textbox, enter one or more valid UC Davis mail ids, email addresses, or kerberos ids.
  4. Select the radio button below that says 'Assign all participants to the same role'.
  5. Press the 'Continue' button and verify that the screen 'Choose a Role for Participants' is loaded and the default Roles of Instructor, Student, and Teaching Assistant are listed as options and the user's Kerberos IDs for the users you entered are listed under Participants.
  6. Do not select any roles and press the 'Contine' button. Verify that you receive a acreen alert and are not allowed to continue.
  7. Select a role and press the 'Continue' button. Verify that the screen 'Add participant(s)...' is loaded giving you the option to send or not send an email notification.
  8. Make a notification selection (only select notify if you're using other tester accounts!) and then select 'Continue'. Verify that the screen 'Confirming Add Participant(s) to...' is loaded and that you see each of the valid users listed with their full name, kerberos id, and the same role.
  9. Press the 'Finish' button. Verify that the users you added are now listed in the site roster with the role that you selected for them.

Second run-through: all valid users assigned different roles

  1. Repeat steps 2-3 from the first test and then select the radio button below that says 'Assign each participant a role individually'.
  2. Press the 'Continue' button and verify that the screen 'Choose a Role for Participants' is loaded and that the default Roles of Instructor, Student, and Teaching Assistant are displayed with text descriptions. Verify that each user's Kerberos ID is listed and has a drop-box under Roles.
  3. Leave one or more of the drop boxes with a role unselected and press the 'Continue' button. Verify that you receive an alert and are not allowed to continue, and that the roles you did select for some users are unchanged.
  4. Select a role for each user and press the 'Continue' button. Verify that the screen 'Add participant(s)...' is loaded giving you the option to send or not send an email notification.
  5. Make a notification selection (only select notify if you're using other tester accounts!) and then select 'Continue'. Verify that the screen 'Confirming Add Participant(s) to...' is loaded and that you see each of the valid users listed with their full name, kerberos id, and different roles.
  6. Press the 'Finish' button. Verify that the users you added are now listed in the site roster with the role that you selected for them.

Third run-through: some invalid users

  1. Repeat steps 2-3 from the first test, but include some invalid mailIDs, email addresses, or KerberosIDs along with at least one valid user datum. Verify that you receive an alert message and are not allowed to continue until you remove all invalid user data. Once the invalid data is removed and you can press the 'Continue' button successfully, you can stop this run-through.

Fourth run-through: all invalid users

  1. Repeat steps 2-3 from the first test, but include only invalid mailIDs, email addresses, or KerberosIDs. Verify that you receive an alert message and are not allowed to continue until you remove the invalid user data. Verify that you receive a different alert when trying to press the 'Continue' button with no users listed.

Fifth run-through: duplicate users

  1. Repeat steps 2-3 from the first test, but this time include one or more users with duplicate user data. For example, enter both a valid mailIDs, email addresses, and/or KerberosIDs for a single user. Select user data where the mailID and Kerberos ID's are either the same or are different.
  2. Press the 'Continue' button and verify that the screen 'Choose a Role for Participants' is loaded and that you receive an alert which lists the Kerberos ID for each duplicate user data entered. Verify that the user data you entered are limited to just the user's Kerberos IDs. You can now stop this run-through.

Final run-through: test Back and Cancel functions

  1. Repeat the first test, but use the Back or Cancel button throughout the process to verify that neither function is impaired.

Post your test results indicating either a pass or a fail with details to: SAK-325

Feedback for multiple choice questions


Verify that the patch feedback for multiple choice questions is applied and working correctly. You will need to use a sakai student account to take the assessment.

  1. Create a new assessment in Tests & Quizzes. In assessment Settings, use the following Feedback settings:
    • Feedback Authoring set to Selection-Level (A,B,C...) Feedback
    • Feedback Delivery set to Immediate Feedback
    • Feedback Components Students Can See set to default of all boxes checked
  2. Create at least 2 multiple choice questions.
  3. For one question, create different feedback for each response. For the other question, create no feedback.
  4. Select only one answer as the correct response (multiple choice single choice question type.)
  5. Publish the quiz. Make sure you've added a sakai test student to your course site.
  6. Log in as a sakai test student and take the quiz. After completing the quiz, select the completed quiz under 'Submitted Assessments'.
  7. Verify that only the feedback to the answer you selected is displayed and that the display for the no-feedback question has no errors.
  8. Repeat this test once more with Feedback Authoring in the pre-published assessment set to Both.

Post your test results indicating either a pass or a fail with details to: SAK-370/SAK-370

Import Question Pool into Samigo


  1. Log in as an instructor or as yourself if you own a course site.
  2. Go to Tests & Quizzes for a course site and create a new assessment. Add one of each question type to the assessment.
  3. Export assessment as an XML file to your desktop.
  4. Select Question Pools from the Tests & Quizzes tool menu. Select Import from the Question Pools screen.
  5. Select Cancel from Import Pool and verify that you are redirected to the Question Pools screen.
  6. Select Import from Question Pools and import the assessment from your desktop. Verify that you are redirected to the Question Pools screen. Verify that you can view the new question pool in the Question Pools list. Verify that the question pool lists the correct number of questions.
  7. Select the newly imported pool and view list of questions. Verify that the correct number of questions appear in the list. Note that the questions will now appear in alphabetical order - not in the order which they were listed in the quiz.
  8. Import the same assessment again. Verify that the newly imported question pool name ends with " - 2"

Post your test results indicating either a pass or a fail with details to: SAK-316

Logout Verification


Simple verification of logout functionality.

  1. Look at the Login screen and then log in as any user type (as yourself or using one of the sakai test instructor or student accounts.)
  2. Logout by pressing the Logout button.
  3. Verify that upon logout, you are returned to the default Login screen.
  4. Press the Back button in your browser and verify that you are returned to the Kerberos login screen rather than the last SmartSite screen you were on.
  5. Repeat this test with multiple windows of the same browser open to SmartSite. Verify that when you log out of one browser, the other sessions are closed (check this by clicking something in the window you did not log out of.)
  6. Repeat this test with multiple browsers (for example, Firefox and IE or Firefox and Safari) open. Logout is cookie-based, so verify that closing a session in one browser does not affect the session in another browser.

Post your test results indicating either a pass or a fail with details to: SAK-322