Roles for instructors of different ilks
- InstructorOfRecord
- Instructor
- TA
///need to look at whether only IOR can grade, if so then, other roles may need to be qualified more WRT grading
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Calendar startCal = Calendar.getInstance(); Calendar endCal = Calendar.getInstance(); startCal.set(2006, 8, 1); endCal.set(2006, 12, 1); String deptOrSchoolEid = "Mythical Dept/School EID"; /// can we use college codes for courseset id's? String category = "L&S"; String noParent = null; String courseSetTitle = "Inhumanities"; String description = "This Department has a lot of courses in varying SUBJ codes"; String academicSessionEid = "200710"; String academicSessionTitle = "Fall QTR 2007"; CMA String academicSessionDesc = "Fall Quarter 2007"; String canonicalCourseEid = "ENG 121"; String canonicalCourseTitle = "ENG 121"; String canonicalCourseDescr = "What more can be said?"; cmAdmin.createCourseSet(deptOrSchooldeptOrSchoolEid, courseSetTitle, description, category, noParent); CMA.createAcademicSession(academicSession, "Fall QTR 2007", "Fall Quarter 2007 cmAdmin.createAcademicSession(academicSessionEid, academicSessionTitle, academicSessionDesc,startCal.getTime(), endCal.getTime()); cmAdmin.createCanonicalCourse(canonicalCourseEid, canonicalCourseTitle, canonicalCourseDescr); cmAdmin.addCanonicalCourseToCourseSet(deptOrSchoolEid, canonicalCourseEid); /// query for enrollment sets foreach enrollmentSet in enrollmentSets { cmAdmin.createCourseOffering("ENG 121 200710", "English For The Toothless", "Finally a class for the tooth challenged.", academicSessionEid, "ENG 121", new Date("Sept. 2X26, 2007"), new Date("Dec. 2Y21, 2007")); cmAdmin.createEnrollmentSet("20071021213", "Fall QTR 2007 Roster", "Fall QTR 2007 Enrollments", "L&S undergrads", "3", "ENG 121 200710", null /* IORs to be added later */); ///may need to make more unique ID's here, depending on impl details cmAdmin.createSection("ENG 121 200710 001", String title, String description, "Lecture", null, "ENG 121 200710", "20071021213"); Vector officialGraderEids = new Vector(); List instructors = provider.etUserswithroles(new String[] {"InstructorOfRecord","Instructor", "TA"}); foreach instructor in instructors { officialGraderEids.add(instructor); role = provider?.getRoleInAuthzGroup(insructor); Membership member = new MemberShipCmImpl(instructor, role, CMA.getCourseOffering("ENG 121 200710", "active"} cmAdmin.addOrUpdateSectionMembership(member.getUserId(), member.getRole(), "ENG 121 200710 001", member.getSTatus() ); cmAdmin.newSectionMeeting("ENG 121 200710 001", "Klieber 100000B", "7D839D00SA0S", "Meets next to the horse barn") /// by convention UCD might adopt the strat of using an time object ID in the time string } // end foreach enrollmentSet in ... |
1. Unique Course
Example: ENG 121 001 Smit