Versions Compared


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Comment: Migrated to Confluence 5.3


These accounts will allow you to manage your own Rice development instance.

Managing Your Rice Instance

Accessing Your Shell

  1. Use an SSH2 compliant terminal client like SecureCRT or PuTTY
  2. Your home directory is located in /home/<user name>


  1. Starting/stopping Tomcat instance:
    Code Block
    [~/]$ sudo /etc/init.d/tomcatX start (or stop)
  2. Tomcat log is at /usr/share/tomcat*X*/logs/catalina.out, where X represents your /wiki/spaces/UCDK/pages/119111827.


  1. Rice Configuration: /usr/local/rice/dev-X-<Rice version>/rice-config.xml, where X is the name of your application (MIV, KFS, KC, etc.).
  2. Log4J: /usr/local/rice/dev-X-<Rice version>/

Databas Database Access

  1. You will find your database URL and credentials in rice-config.xml. Look for the properties datasource.url, datasource.username and datasource.password

Subversion Prep

Project Structure

  1. Your Rice-specific data will be stored at<my application>. It is up to you to manage the structure underneath this directory.
  2. The Impex Tool, Rice Bootstrap Data, and Schema Utilities are stored at<Rice version>. These are needed for managing your schemas.

Checking Out Projects

  1. Create a directory where you will store working copies of files to be checked out from Subversion, such as /home/oracle/subversion/rice-db
  2. Navigate to /home/oracle/subversion/rice-db
  3. Checking out schema-related files
    Code Block
    [/home/oracle/subversion/rice-db]$ svn co<Rice version>.

    Under /home/oracle/subversion/rice-db, there will now be a /<Rice version> directory

Refreshing Your Schema

Configure the Impex Tool

  1. Copy /home/oracle/subversion/rice-db/<Rice version>/ to your home directory and rename it to
  2. Modify /wiki/spaces/UCDK/pages/119111688 to suit. There are helpful schema utility scripts located in /home/oracle/subversion/rice-db/<Rice version>/schema-utils.

    The file already has pre-import and post-import scripts defined.

Execute the Refresh

  1. Navigate to /home/oracle/subversion/rice-db/<Rice version>/database-impex
  2. Set the classpath to include libraries required by the Impex Tool
    Code Block
    [/home/oracle/subversion/rice-db/<Rice version>/database-impex}]$ export classpath=./lib;$CLASSPATH
  3. Execute the refresh
    Code Block
    [/home/oracle/subversion/rice-db/<Rice version>/database-impex}]$ ant import