Current Status and Problem
Courses are created manually via an internal sakai account (sitemaker). This account has maintain access, but not administrative access. Due to these access issues, the sitemaker account has a limitation in that it can only create sites via the Worksite setup tool. The worksite setup tool pulls from values for its data (and other configuration settings such as sitesetup.xml), which are not synchronized with Banner external data. This results in limited ability to select and/or data enter appropriate terms, courses, etc.
1. creates course site "skeleton" with the following attributes:
i. creates site id with a pattern of TERMCD and CRN. An example is 20061012345
ii. creates a site title (tab) with the pattern (this is a MAJOR difference from the manual process)
ProblemTERMABBREVIATION is given below as the associated abbreviations for the terms. This is an internal mechanism to Sakai as a lookup mechanism.
Here is the logic for TERMABBREVIATION resolution, described in code:
if (TermIdentifier.equalsIgnoreCase("01")) return "WQ";
else if (TermIdentifier.equalsIgnoreCase("02")) return "SSEM";
else if (TermIdentifier.equalsIgnoreCase("03")) return "SQ";
else if (TermIdentifier.equalsIgnoreCase("04")) return "ES";
else if (TermIdentifier.equalsIgnoreCase("05")) return "SS1";
else if (TermIdentifier.equalsIgnoreCase("06")) return "SSS";
else if (TermIdentifier.equalsIgnoreCase("07")) return "SS2";
else if (TermIdentifier.equalsIgnoreCase("08")) return "SUQ";
else if (TermIdentifier.equalsIgnoreCase("09")) return "FSEM";
else if (TermIdentifier.equalsIgnoreCase("10")) return "FQ";
else return "ALT";
iii. adds site information also (e.g. description, long description, etc)
2. adds tools and pages to the site (from a configuration), see example set
3. creates the site so that providers can "kick in" and create rosters, roles dynamically
3. Additionally, we should modify the default length of the course, subject , and section text fields in the worksite setup UI so that we can have more flexibility. This is now done via the CourseManagementProvider impl of the getCourseIdRequiredFieldSizes():
Code Block |
public List getCourseIdRequiredFieldsSizes() |
{ |
List rv = new Vector(); |
rv.add(new Integer(8)); |
rv.add(new Integer(3)); |
rv.add(new Integer(3)); |
return rv; |
} |