- Select Import Grades from the gradebook navigation. Verify that the onscreen version matches the documentation , page 66 - except that the document page name Import Spreadesheet (IM-1) is not online. Report andy any differences.
- Select the Download Spreadsheet Template
link and verify that you can successfully download the .csv file. - Verify that the students, gradebook items, and grades in the spreadsheet accurately reflect your current gradebook.
- Enter and/or change student grades for some of the items. Save the modified spreadsheet as a .csv file.
- Take a snapshoot of your current grades from Roster or an individual gradebook item screen so that you can compare grade changes. Follow the import instructions and import your spreadsheet.
- Verify that you now see the Verify Gradebook Import screen as displayed in the documentation, page 69 - except that the content matches your course and the document page name Verify Import (IM-2) is not online.
- Select the Back button and verify you are returned to the Import Grades screen.
- Re-import the spreadsheet and select OK. Verify that you are returned to the Import Grades screen and that you see the message:
"Your spreadsheet has imported successfully." - Verify that grades are entered/changed as specified.
- Repeat this process (steps 1-9) but save the spreadsheet as an .xls file, such as faculty might do by mistake. Verify that you receive the error notification:
"The file you are trying to import is not in the expected format. Please use the Download Spreadsheet Template link to export the file and try again." - Repeat the process (steps 1-9) but modify the spreadsheet by changing a student id or adding a student who is not currently in the course. Verify that you receive the error notification:
"Alert: The following student ID's are not associated with participants in this site:",
a new line listing those students, and then on a new line,
"To continue, you must first add this participant to the site or remove the participant from the file."