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White List batch creation functionality


tests (per Scott Amerson; modified by Lisa Wilson)

Example of Site Functionality Tests to evaluate: All of these tests require admin access (star).

Course creation information, including the list of courses to be added with their subject, term, CRNs, generated prodiver Ids and instructor Kerberos Ids will be shared with the admin QA tester prior to the test run. Detailed roster information will either be viewable from an outside source or will be provided prior to the test run.

Whitelist Course Creation

SAK-313 and whitelist generated courses from February 7, 2007

Run through the tests for course creation as an instructor and as an administrator to validate that the courses were created properly and that all access and functional aspects are correct. The course and instructor information for the sites created on February 7, 2007 are at whitelist.

Course Creation - Test As Instructor

For each site, SU as the instructor or you may view as admin if the site is available.

Step #


User Acting As

Expected Result



Login in as yourself


Course site specified from batch list exists2.

Become instructor for a course specified from batch list

SU as instructoradmin

SU access is successful3.

Locate the site tab and access the site

SU as instructor

The course tab exists and the site can be viewed

4.Confirm the tab format is correct

SU as instructor

Tab is displayed correctly, format: SUBJ COURSENUMBER SECTION TERMABBREVIATION TERMYEAR (e.g. BIS 001A 001 SSS WQ06)

Review the site menu against the default course menu

SU as instructor

Menu items pages are in the default order as listed below are listed



Select each tool from the menu

SU as instructor

Tool loads upon selection, the name of the page is correct, and the page displays properly without errors

-->select each Page

Programmer A

SU as fzolupon

Page Loads

Page Loads, no tool errors

Pages for site xxxx have a default order

Programmer A

SU as instructor


pages displayed in order (

Tab for site xxxx is correct format

Programmer A

SU as instructor


tab displayed correctly, see (


yields a result of:


User Role

User Acting As


Expected Result


Site xxxxx (created): Functionality Results

Programmer A


All tests pass

batching of course succeeded

Validate with the team

4. Pages and Ordering

  • Home (default is 2 column layout, with Web Content (left hand column, only tool), Chat (right hand column, top tool), and Announcements (right hand column, bottom tool)
  • Syllabus
  • Schedule
  • Announcements
  • Resources
  • Assignments
  • Tests & Quizzes
  • Gradebook
  • Drop Box
  • Chat Room
  • Email Archive
  • Site Info
  • Wiki
    Support & Training
  • Message Center
  • Modules
  • Help

By default, the menu item (other than Home) is a tool (e.g. Resources is the resource tool) and a default one column layout.Menu - Pages and Ordering
Order revised to UCD specs 2/9/07

  • Home (default is 2 column layout, with Course Workspace (left hand column, only tool), Chat (right hand column, top tool), and Announcements (right hand column, bottom tool)
  • Announcements
  • Assignments
  • Chat Room
  • Drop Box
  • Email Archive
  • Gradebook
  • Message Center
  • Modules
  • Resources
  • Schedule
  • Site Info
  • Support & Training
  • Syllabus
  • Tests & Quizzes
  • Wiki
  • Help

By default, the menu item (other than Home) is a tool (e.g. Resources is the resource tool) and a default one column layout.

Course Creation - Test As Administrator

Course management functionality tests are performed with the user acting as admin and testing via Administration Workspace throughout.

Site Tool Navigation Test


User Acting As

Expected Result

Access smartsite-test as admin


Admin access is granted

Access the Sites tool and enter the subject code in the first Search field to locate the new site.


Site xxxx is listed along with any other courses of the same subject or with the same partial text in the Title.

Cut and paste the course's Site Id in the second Search field to locate new site xxxx in Sites.


Site xxxx is listed

Confirm that site xxxx in sites list has appropriate Site Id, Title, Type, Descriptions, etc.


Site xxxx is listed and the following is correct:

  1. Site Id is human readable with either YearTermCRN format (provider id without dashes) or a Sakai generated id
  2. Subject, course number, section, and quarter displayed correctly under Title
  3. Displays under Description, URLs the course name (the same for Description and Short Description) and "Created: date/time stamp Admin Batch User"

Site xxxx is clickable (click on Site Id)


Site xxxx when clicked on, loads correctly

Site xxxx course information is correct


Site xxxx course information is correct on the course's Sites Tool

Realm Tool Navigation Test


User Acting As

Expected Result

Copy the Site Id for the course, access the Realms tool and paste in the Site Id in the Search field.


Realm xxxx, where xxxx is human readable form of TermCode and CRN (e.g. 20060660079), is a Sakai generated id displayed in the format:

  1. Realm Id = /site/xxxx
  2. Provider Id = Year-Term-CRN
  3. Maintain Role = Instructor
    and CRN in the Provider Id is replaced with a locally generated number beginning with Gxxxx for multiple section courses

Click on the Realm Id link to access realm information about this site


Site is listed with proper Provider Id (Year-Term-CRN, e.g. 2007-01-61965) and Maintain Role (Instructor). If this is a course with multiple CRNs, verify that the Provider Id is a generated identifier where the last part begins with G, e.g., 2007-01-G0056.

Compare roster for site xxxx to the roster of students and instructor(s) identified


Site xxxx listed with proper number and type of users (Student, Instructor) in the roster.

Worksite Setup Tool Navigation Test


Expected Result

Use course subject to locate site xxxx in Worksite Setup using the Search function

Site xxxx is listed via Worksite Setup with the following values:

  1. Worksite Title accurately displaying the subject, course number, section, and quarter (WQ 2007 for winter quarter, for example)
  2. Type = course
  3. Owner = ssbatchadmin
  4. Term is the term specified, e.g., "WINTER QUARTER 2007"
  5. Status = Published
  6. Creation Date shows the creation date/time stamp

Access Worksite Setup for site xxxx in Worksite Setup tool by checking the checkbox and selecting "Revise" from the tool menu

Worksite Setup displays site xxxx details and roster.

Click Update/Remove Participants in site xxxx in Worksite Setup tool and verify the course roster.

The site xxxx roster is populated with the current roster.

Select Return to Sites List and then navigate to the course by clicking on the course name under Worksite Title. From within the course, navigate to Site Info. Verify that the Provider Id is displayed correctly.

Provider Id listed under Roster(s) with site access: is formatted as Year-Term-CRN for single CRN courses and Year-Term-Gxxxx for multiple CRN courses

Enable Database Ordering of Site Tools


Run these test steps from the courses created by the White List Batch Job, i.e., any course whose owner is the ssbatchadmin user from the testing batch date.


User Acting As

Expected Result

Login in as yourself (admin user), access the Sites tool in Administration Workspace, and navigate to a newly created course from the white list using the Serach function.


Course site specified from batch list exists.

Click on the Site Id to access the admin view of the "Site Info" tool. Select the Pages button under the text Add/Edit Pages. Verify the order of tools listed


The tools for the course strat with Home and the remaining UCD-default tools should be listed in alphabetical order. The tools should match the list of tools above except that Help is not listed.

Reorder the tools for your selected course. Select Done and then Save to ensure your changes are saved.


You should be able to reorder the tools for the site via the Administration Workspace "Sites" tool.

Add sakaiinst1 as an instructor to the course so that you can verify the instructor view.


Sakaiinst1 successfully added as instructor

Log out and log back in as sakaiinst1. Navigate to the same course(s) where you reordered the tools. Verify that the tools menu is reordered in the manner you selected when acting as admin.


Tools should appear in the new order which you specified when acting as admin.

Select Site Info and then Edit Tools. Verify that you cannot uncheck the Site Info checkbox.


You shouldn't be able to remove the "Site Info" tool.

Verify that you can successfully add and remove other tools from the Revising site tools... options.


Instructor tools adds and removals are accepted, however, tool adds are placed alphabetically at the end of the existing list, e.g., H, As, CR, EA, MC, R, SI, S&T, T&Q, then An, DB, GB, M, Sc, Sy, W, Help.

Verify that you cannot reorder tools as an instructor


Instructors are currently unable to reorder tools in their course. (This is a feature that may be added later.)

Support and Training link should be automatically inserted


This was originally a two-part test to check course sites which are either manually created or created by the system. Manual creation of a course site is no longer allowed.

Coordinate with Thomas to generate a white list file of new courses to create via the system. Thomas will provide the list of newly created courses to verify against.

Test 2: Automated Site Creation
This test is limited to users with Administrative access

  1. Select a course via the Administration Workspace whose owner is the ssbatchadmin user.
  2. Verify that the newly created course site has the Support & Training link in the left-hand navigation bar as shown in 1.Support & Training link.jpg.
  3. Select the Support & Training link and verify that the iFrame which displays course content now displays the Support and Training site as in 2.Support and Training link selected.jpg.

Post your test results indicating either a pass or a fail with details to: SAK-332