Testing for AggieFeed has been implemented using Protractor. The design and plan for protractor tests is:
Goal was to automate AggieFeed Admin/Management pages using Protractor.
Plan was to design scripts in a way that we have a testscript for each functionality
1) Main File TestScript calls:-
2) Login File TestScript(Done)
3) CreateNotification TestScript(Done-Most Positive & Negative Scenarios)
4) CreateActivity TestScript
Here are the step by step instrcutions:
To Run The Automation Scripts
1) Download the folder AggieFeed from Bitbucket and install(or place or save) it in your local drive
2) Open a command prompt and type webdriver-manager start to start the webdriver
3) Open 2nd command prompt and CD to the local folder where you saved the AggieFeed folder.
4) type protractor conf.js to start the automation testing(or scripts)
Note: Since there was an AgieeFeed-Redesign inbetween automation so automation was stopped. These are not complete scripts.