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titleIn this Section
Table of Contents

Wiki Markup


h2. Overview

h2. API Requirements

{include:API Requirements}

h2. Getting Started

The easiest way to start learning about this interface is to try it out. This section shows how to use the curl command line tool to execute sample queries.

{code:title=Sample JSON Request}	curl -i -H "Accept: application/json"
The response to all of the above requests have a {color:#339966}Content-Type of text/javascript{color}.  An example response for the above request is shown below:
{code:lang=xml|title=Sample JSON Response}
  "responseData" : {
    "results" : [
 "iamId": "",
"isEmployee": "",
"isHSEmployee": "",
"isFaculty": "",
"isStudent": "",
"isStaff": ""
"isExternal": ""

{ ...<More results>.... }
  "responseDetails" : null,
  "responseStatus" : 0

h2. JSON Reference

{include:JSON Reference}

h3. {color:#808000}Request Format{color}

h4. URL Base Addresses

The following URL patterns are supported by the IAM Identity Store Core People API:

{code:lang=xml|title=Supported URL Patterns}{iamid}

h4. {color:#002666}URL Arguments{color}

{include:URL Arguments}

h5. {color:#993366}Required URL Arguments{color}

{include:Required URL Arguments}

h5. {color:#993366}Supported URL arguments{color}

{include:Supported URL Arguments}

|| URL || Supported Arguments ||
| \[{iamId|{iamId]} | iamId |

h3. {color:#808000}Response Format{color}

{include:Response Format for IET-WS APIs}

h4. Results Array: guaranteed fields

The results array always contains the parameters listed in this section, even if the value is empty.

|| *Property* || *Description* ||
| iamId | Unique University ID created by IAM system. Replaces MOTHRAID. |
| isEmployee | Y/N, Does the person have an employee affiliation (either staff or faculty) |
| isHSEmployee | Y/N, Does the person have an employee affiliation from the UCDHS |
| isFaculty | Y/N, Does the person have a faculty affiliation |
| isStudent | Y/N, Does the person have a student affiliation |
| isStaff | Y/N, Does the person have a staff affiliation |
| isExternal | Y/N, Does the person have an external affiliation |
| results\[\] | results\[\]&nbsp;contains an array of bulk load result objects, one for each result. Each time the API executes, this property is cleared, and each time a API completes, the array is populated. If there are no results to report, the&nbsp;.length&nbsp;property of this array will be set to 0. Therefore, results will never be null, and you can always safely check for&nbsp;results.length == 0. |

h4. 'responseStatus' Codes and 'responseDetails' Messages

{include:'responseStatus' Codes and 'responseDetails' Messages}

h3. {color:#808000}Troubleshooting{color}

{include:Troubleshooting IET-WS APIs}
