Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • (D + 0m Programmer) Shutdown Sakai on all nodes
  • (S + 2m MW Developer) Change MyUCD's messages to use DistAuth.
  • (D + 2m Programmer) Remove, toolOrder.xml, and bash_profile from config-staging and rename, toolOrder.xml-prod-022, and bash_profile-pord-022 to, toolOrder.xml, and bash_profile
  • (D + 4m Programmer) Run mvn sakai:deploy from previous tag directory
  • (D + 15m Programmer) Deploy previous tag on head node and all other app servers via
  • (D + 20m Programmer) Restart sakai on head node
  • (D + 22m Programmer) Make sure sakai running is old tag (CAS is removed, etc)
  • (D + 25m Programmer) Restart sakai on remaining nodes
  • (D + 27m Programmer) Take application servers out of maintenance mode