Notes from QA test reports indicate the need for further tests to clarify Smartsite performance.
If we have the time, follow up on these notes.
Lisa, August 3
Gradebook Integration is only available to point-grade assignment(s)
This is the error message which appears if a user selects any Grade Scale value other than Points when creating an Assignment which will be assigned to Gradebook. We tested changing the Gradebook Setup to Letter Grade and still received this message. It is extremely important for the Smartsite Team to state that integration between Assignments and Gradebook is limited to points-based grading only at this time.
Nancy, by email August 2, chapter 73:
sometimes, a folder appears w/no name or details. upon attempted deletion, the confirmation of deletion shows the folder and name $ and details??? I THINK this happens when I have deleted a folder and get back the file/folder
listing screen. then the odd folder appears. but doesn't happen often enough right now to confirm exactly the did happen several times yesterday.