Nancy, by email July 25, chapter 67:
Assignments observation - after creation, some items seem to take longer than I remember to show up on the site. for example, in creating graded and ungraded assignments, the graded ones showed up almost immediately in the assignments list. the ungraded one tool a long time...like perhaps more than 30 minutes. despite clearing the cache, reloading and login & out.
8/2/07 - Tested with new course. Created 3 assignments: 1 graded to GB, 1 graded not to GB, 1 ungraded. Logged in as student. All 3 assignments are visible - no lagtime in display. _LJW _
Forum observation - it would appear, as/experiences today, that GRADING a submission in forum/topic does NOT constitute READING it. or at least as far as the sakai program is concerned. as faculty, I graded a number of topic submissions, they showed as being graded in gradebook, but were still identified as unread in the forum tool.