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h3. General v2.4.x Tests

General tests for initial discovery phase after the June 23rd upgrade to Sakai 2.4.x
|| Jira || Description || Test Plan || Released to QA || QA Results/Date ||
| [SAK-1412|] | Syllabus tool rejects link style attribute | (*b) {color:#0000cc}All QA testers can participate:{color} Verify issue and investigate solutions. \\ | *2/11/08* | Pass (w/note)/07-02-2008/VOCUsingVOC\\
Using PC Windows XP SP3 Firefox & IE 7 on: \\
SmartSite@UCDavis - \[sakai_2-5-x-test-003\] - Sakai 2.5.x-R47401 - Server mario. \\
SU as cthaiss. \\
Access Syllabus tool for UWP 104A 002 WQ 2007. \\
Test editing UWP 104A 002: Writing in the Professions--Business and Technical \\
1) Editing the Syllabus no longer creates the "bad" HTML patterns and the Syllabus can be saved without modification. \\
2) If either of the HTML attribute patterns ' link="#0000ee"' or link="#993399"' are present within the source code, then the error messages: "The HTML attribute pattern ' link="#0000ee"' is not allowed" and/or "The HTML attribute pattern ' link="#993399"' is not allowed" still display as appropriate and the content cannot be saved. \\
1) Manually inserting either of the "bad" HTML patterns (link="#0000ee" and/or ink="#993399") in the source code generates at least one error message, as appropriate. \\
2) If  error messages are generated, removing the "bad" HTML patterns allow saving the content in Syllabus. \\
1) If allowing the link attributes to be incorporated in the source code is desired or expected behavior, then result is Fail. \\
2) Since the link attributes are not needed and apparently no longer automatically generated in the Syllabus upon Editing, then result is Pass, since the Syllabus tool saves the content properly. \\
Overall, Pass, with note: The Syllabus tool still rejects link style attributes if manually inserted into the source code, but no longer automatically generates them within the source code upon Editing, thus edited content can be saved properly without error message generation. |
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{ document.jiraform.elements[0].focus(); }\\ \\

catch (e) {}<\!-\-           initPinComments('Always show',                     'Always show add comment area',                     'Initially hide',                     'Initially hide comment area');      restoreMenu('commentDiv','pinComment');      function showComment()   
 {         try {             var commentDiv = document.getElementById("commentDiv");    = 'block';             restoreMenu('commentDiv','pinComment')             setTimeout('document.getElementById("comment").focus();', 20);             return false;         }\\ \\

catch (e)

{ return true; }\\ \\

}      function hideComment()     {         try
        {             var commentDiv = document.getElementById("commentDiv");    = 'none';             // Put try/catch around the statement such that it does not break on IE. IE does not like             // setting focus on hidden elements. We need to set focus as JRA-8284 happens on Firefox otherwise.             setTimeout('try { document.getElementById("comment").focus(); }\\ \\

catch (e) {}', 20);             return true;         } catch (e)

{ return false; }\\ \\

}  //--> \|
| [SAK-1525|] | {color:#000000}Sakai Foundation Vendor Drop to bring us up to R41066{color} | (*b)&nbsp;{color:#0000cc}All QA testers can participate:{color} TBD - see [Vendordropfeb72008.mod.doc|^vendordropfeb72008.mod.doc]&nbsp;for current list | *2/11/08* | |
| [SAK-959|] | Contact Us presents Category drop down on initial click of Contact Us button in smartsite | (*b)&nbsp;{color:#0000cc}All QA testers can participate:{color} Data updated via JMS in smartsite-test as of now. \\
Please retest. | *2/09/08* | PASS/07-02-2008/VOC \\
Using PC Windows XP SP3 Firefox & IE 7 on: \\
SmartSite@UCDavis - \[sakai_2-5-x-test-003\] - Sakai 2.5.x-R47401 - Server mario. \\
A) Base Case. - Pass. \\
B) Case 1. - Pass. \\
C) Case 2. - Pass. \\
Overall, Pass. |
| [SAK-1516|] | Cannot upload grade.csv files in Assignments if they have \^M in them instead of newlines. \\
Note: This was reported originally in SAK-1370. | (*b)&nbsp;{color:#0000cc}All QA testers can participate:{color} Submitted to QA to&nbsp;identify work arounds for both Mac and&nbsp;PC platforms as well as a recommended way to edit the csv files on both platforms to minimize the risk. \\
\- &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; OS Testing: Macintosh and Windows \\
\- &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Evaluate tools - example: "dos2unix" \\
\- &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Does Excel (Mac/PC) resolve this problem? \\
\- &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Does Wordpad or Notpad (PC) or TextEdit (Mac) resolve this problem? | *2/08/08* | |
| [SAK-1097|] | Smartsite user reported issues with WebDAV in Resources. QA will test to repeat and verify the issue and report to Kirk. | QA testers will repeat the actions specified by the user and verify the results. | *smartsite-test 9/24/07* | *Results documented 10/1/07* |
| [SAK-879|] | This asset documents changes to the sakai database which affect current tools. *{_}Primary: Gradebook, Samigo, Assignment, Roster (we use now the UCB roster tool), MesssageCenter (Messages & Forums); and Secondary: Chat, Podcasts{_}* | (*b) A test plan will be assigned here to cover additional tools not tested separately in other Jiras. Will be considered a pass if the following Jiras all pass: SAK-858, SAK-870, SAK-876, SAK-926, etc. | Included in other tests | *Pass 8/17/07* |
| [SAK-870|] | Retest Resources with a new test document to verify whether the upcoming 2.4.x patch fixes the email notification bug or introduces any new bugs. | (*b) All QA testers can participate. Follow the directions given in [General Test Plans for Smartsite 2.4.x#Resources] | *sakai-test 7/25/07* *smartsite-test 8/1/07* | *Pass 8/13/07* |
| [SAK-858|] | This test plan includes a series of general tasks to determine if there are any obvious issues with the integration of Gradebook, Assignments, Tests & Quizzes, and Message Center in this release. | (*b) All QA testers can participate. Follow the directions given in [General Test Plans for Smartsite 2.4.x#Gradebook-Assignments-Samigo-MC Integration] | *sakai-test 7/24/07* *smartsite-test 8/1/07* | *Pass 8/6/07* |
| [SAK-807|] | General UI post-upgrade testing. This is a sub-task of SAK-806: QA Test Plan for SmartSite 2.4.x post-upgrade testing assigned to the QA group. | (*b) All QA testers can participate. General test directions are in the Jira. | 6/25/07 | Closed 7/18/07 |
| [SAK-810|] | Verify general functionality and specific functions. This is a sub-task of SAK-806: QA Test Plan for SmartSite 2.4.x post-upgrade testing assigned to the QA group. | (*b) All QA testers can participate. General test directions are in the Jira. | 6/25/07 | Closed 7/18/07 |