Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • none

Module Name: archive

  • none

Module Name: assignment (tick) Things that got deployed with SAK-1166

  • (tick) SAK-11180 Assignment event tracking needs revision
  • (tick) SAK-11027 assignments / grading -draft
  • (tick) SAK-11172 Disable double click on 'grade' linke - it causes double submissions for non-electronic assignments
  • (tick) SAK-11585 quickly click on in/new link after clicking on the grade link or vice versa produces dupl submission objects
  • (tick) SAK-11598 upload all from zip file doesn't bring in student submission attachments
  • (tick) SAK-11569 disable double clicks on "Post" button inside assignment creation/edit/preview form
  • (tick) SAK-11570 reformat the add submission object routine for non-electronic assignment type
  • (tick) SAK-9779 Incorrect Status listing for Saved but not returned assignments when resubmission is possible
  • (tick) SAK-9794 Student view of assignment list doesn't have a status that reflects assignments where the instructor has given a grade w/o an electronic student submission
  • SAK-11580 reformat the add submission object routine for non-electronic assignment type: Part II
