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Test Plan

Released to QA

QA Results/Date


Gradebook testing for categories and weighting.

Run through the GB 2.5 weighted categories and percentages test




Standard Gradebook functionality testing.

(blue star) Nancy's current draft of a standard Gradebook test: example_test_gradebook-nw_ver3.xls.




Nancy discovered an issue on production with the "Show this item" radio button in Resources. Once selected and populated with a date range, the date ranges cannot be unchecked/removed except by selecting the other radio button, and then reselecting "Show this item".

(blue star) Verify that this workaround is eliminated in 2.4.1 and that unchecking the date range boxes and saving will remove the date range.


Pass 8/10/07


Test new features in Assignments to verify and become familiar with latest upgrade enhancements.

(blue star) Run through the test steps in QA_assignments.xls

sakai-test 7/31/07 smartsite-test 8/1/07

Pass 8/10/07 Issues noted in report


Verification that using WebDAV on a Mac no longer generates alerts or error messages.

(star) Brian - specifically check to see if the Mac gives you any alerts or error messages when you upload files via WebDAV. Check SAK-464 for graphics and more details about this problem. We want to verify if the problem has been resolved with the 2.4.x upgrade.


Pass 7/11/07


Tests & Quizzes section bug.

(green star) Retest the course listed in the bug on smartsite-test or find another course with sections on the test server. Determine whether this bug still occurs.


Not Reproducible 7/10/07


Tests & Quizzes bug. SAK-86: Mac OSX, Safari: No edit tools for questions created in T&Q*.

(blue star) Create an assessment using Mac OSX-Safari and compare the screens and functionality when using Firefox on a Mac. Brian to repeat testing on Safari 3.


7/9/07 Failed