Jira | Description | Test Plan | Released to QA | QA Results/Date |
Standard Gradebook functionality testing. | Nancy's current draft of a standard Gradebook test: example_test_gradebook-nw_ver3.xls. | 8/13/07 |
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Nancy discovered an issue on production with the "Show this item" radio button in Resources. Once selected and populated with a date range, the date ranges cannot be unchecked/removed except by selecting the other radio button, and then reselecting "Show this item". | Verify that this workaround is eliminated in 2.4.1 and that unchecking the date range boxes and saving will remove the date range. | 8/9/07 |
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Test new features in Assignments to verify and become familiar with latest upgrade enhancements. | Run through the test steps in QA_assignments.xls | sakai-test 7/31/07 smartsite-test 8/1/07 |
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Verification that using WebDAV on a Mac no longer generates alerts or error messages. | Brian - specifically check to see if the Mac gives you any alerts or error messages when you upload files via WebDAV. Check SAK-464 for graphics and more details about this problem. We want to verify if the problem has been resolved with the 2.4.x upgrade. | 7/11/07 | Pass 7/11/07 | |
Tests & Quizzes section bug. | Retest the course listed in the bug on smartsite-test or find another course with sections on the test server. Determine whether this bug still occurs. | 7/9/07 | Not Reproducible 7/10/07 | |
Tests & Quizzes bug. SAK-86: Mac OSX, Safari: No edit tools for questions created in T&Q*. | Create an assessment using Mac OSX-Safari and compare the screens and functionality when using Firefox on a Mac. Brian to repeat testing on Safari 3. | 7/02/07 | 7/9/07 Failed | |