Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

(IOR = Instructor of Record)
(CMA = CourseManagementAdministration)
(CMS = CourseManagementService)

assumptions or prereq's

Roles for instructors of different ilks

  • InstructorOfRecord
  • Instructor
  • TA
    ///need to look at whether only IOR can grade, if so then, other roles may need to be qualified more WRT grading
    /// can we use college codes for courseset id's?
Code Block
CMA.createCourseSet("Mythical Dept/School EID", "Inhumanities", "This Department has a lot of courses in varying SUBJ codes", "L&S", null);
CMA.createAcademicSession("200710", "Fall QTR 2007", "Fall Quarter 2007", new Date("Sept. 2X, 2007"), new Date("Dec. 2Y, 2007"));


Code Block

CMA.createCanonicalCourse("ENG 121", "ENG 121", "What more can be said?");
CMA.addCanonicalCourseToCourseSet("Mythical Dept/School EID", "ENG 121");// can or should do both or not?
// use 'college code' for eid?

foreach enrollmentSet in enrollmentSets { 

  CMA.createCourseOffering("ENG 121 200710", "English For The Toothless", "Finally a class for the tooth challangedchallenged.", 
   + "10 2007", "ENG 121", new Date("Sept. 26, 2007), new Date("Dec. 21, 2007"))
CMA.addCourseOfferingCourseToCourseSet("Mythical Dept/School EID", "ENG"); //
can or should
do both or not?

CMA.createEnrollmentSet("20071021213", "Fall QTR 2007 Roster", "Fall QTR 2007 Enrollments", "L&S undergrads", "3", "ENG",
officialGraderEids);  foreach student{ CMA.addOrUpdateEnrollment(String student.getId, "20071021213", "Active", "3", "Standard Letter Plus-Minus")  }  // --- now with a section CMA.createCanonicalCourse("ENG 121", "ENG 121", "What more can be said?");
CMA.addCanonicalCourseToCourseSet("Mythical Dept/School EID", "ENG 121");// can or should do both or not?

CMA.createCourseOffering("ENG", "English For The Toothless", "Finally a class for the tooth challanged.", 
   + "10 2007"null /* IORs to be added later */);

  ///may need to make more unique ID's here, depending on impl details
  CMA.createSection("ENG 121 200710 001", String title, String description,
			"Lecture", null, "ENG 121 200710",
new Date("Sept. 26, 2007), new Date("Dec. 21, 2007"))
CMA.createEnrollmentSet("20071021213", "Fall QTR 2007 Roster", "Fall QTR 2007 Enrollments", "L&S undergrads", "3", "ENG", officialGraderEids);

///may need to make more unique ID's here, depending on impl details
CMA.createSection("ENG", String title, String description,
			"Lecture", null, "ENG",
			"20071021213");			"20071021213"); 

  Vector officialGraderEids = new Vector();
  foreach instructor {
   role = provider?.getRoleInAuthzGroup(insructor);
   Membership member =  new MemberShipCmImpl(instructor, role, CMA.getCourseOffering("ENG 121 200710", "active"}

  CMA.addOrUpdateSectionMembership(member.getUserId(), member.getRole(), "ENG 121 200710 001", member.getSTatus() );

  CMA.newSectionMeeting("ENG 121 200710 001", "Klieber 100000B", "7D839D00SA0S", "Meets next to the horse barn")

 /// by convention UCD might adopt the strat of using an time object ID in the time string

} // end foreach enrollmentSet in ...

2. Mutliple Sections with single IOR per section
