- The following new realms need to be created:
- Create realm !user.template.trainer with auth permissions checked for:
- site.add.training-course
- site.del.training-course
- site.add.training-project
- site.del.training-project
- site.upd.site.mbrshp
- ...and any other 'read' permissions for which we want to copy content
- Copy realm !site.template.course to !site.template.training-course
- Copy realm !site.template .project to !site.template.training-project
- Create realm !user.template.trainer with auth permissions checked for:
- A new user needs to be created for each tester, of type trainer, and the login/password combo need to be made available to that tester
- Add the tool "Training Sites" to each user's My Workspace
- A course training template of type "training-course" needs to be created with all the necessary tools and content and each tester's user needs to be granted Instructor permission on it.
- A project training template of type "training-project" needs to be created with all the necessary tools and content and each tester's user needs to be granted maintain permission on it.