- IRC:
- server: irc.freenode.net
- channel: #ucdsakai
Maintenance Details
January 26, 2009
- Downtime: 3:00pm to 3:30pm
- Programmer: Michael Wenk
- Tag: Sakai_2-5-x-036
- Jira Stories and Assets include the following:
- sak-2599 Add strong password javascript check to registration page
- sak-2597 Guest Access shows Internal error when non admin user tries to request more time.
- sak-2594 Add Javascript check to guest email textarea for valid email
- sak-2590 Update error text in registration/activation pages
- sak-2589 Stealth Registration/Activation tool
January 21, 2009
- Downtime: noon to 5pm
- Programmer: Michael Wenk
- Tag: Sakai_2-5-x-035
- Jira Stories and Assets include the following:
- Sak-2578 Create a My Workspace section in toolOrder.xml
- sak-2553 Resend initial creation email for guests
- sak-2552 Reset registration time frame for guests