- IRC:
- server: irc.freenode.net
- channel: #ucdsakai
Maintenance Details
February 11, 2009
- Downtime: 1pm to 5pm
- Programmer: Thomas Amsler
- Tag: Sakai_2-5-x-038
- Jira Stories and Assets include the following:
- sak-2578 Create a My Workspace section in toolOrder.xml
- sak-2578 Create a My Workspace section in toolOrder.xml
February 4, 2009
- Downtime: 1pm to 5pm
- Programmer: Thomas Amsler
- Tag: Sakai_2-5-x-037
- Jira Stories and Assets include the following:
- sak-2620 Milestone 2: Test tag Test-Tag-2-5-x-QA-2 deployment to smartsite-test
- sak-2614 Change Default tools list