Versions Compared


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  • (Jan 30, 2009) Kirk, Create the template for guest type with an altered workspace to prevent membership, resources, worksite set up and ???
  • (Jan 30, 2009) Kirk, Create the Guest Activation Access site
      (Jan 30, 2009) Kirk, Configure the Guest Activation site to the pageID of ?????
      • Add Guest Registration Tool
      • Add .anon role to site enabling site.visit function in the site's realm

    During rollout morning:

      • (
      • 05:30
      Sandra) Set database markers(04:35 Michael) Shutdown all 7 sakai
      • Thomas) Put smartsite into maintenance mode and shutdown sakai on all 7 app servers.
      • (
      04:40 Prabhu) Back up production database so that it can be fully restored. (Are we making database changes that require a back up?)Parallel Tasks
      • (04:40 05:35 Joncarlo) Deploy SAK-2586 switch
      • (04: 40 Mike) Run svn update in ucd-help on sakaiprod1
    • (05:05 Prabhu) Confirm backup finished
    • (05:05 Prabhu) Run DB upgrade scripts on SAK-??
    • (05:15
      • Mike) Deploy Prod Tag 010.  This deploys the following Jiras on sakProd1:
      • sak-2599
      • sak-2589
      • sak-2584
      • sak-2583
      • sak-2582
      • sak-2577
      • sak-2575
      • sak-2573
      • sak-2568
      • sak-2555
      • sak-2548
      • sak-2539
      • sak-2538
      • sak-2536
      • sak-2535
      • sak-2534
      • sak-2533
      • sak-2520
      • sak-2472
      • sak-2075
      • sak-1638.
    • (05:30 Mike) Start sakaiprod1
    • (05:40 Mike) Test simple functions
    • (05:45 Mike) If simple test is OK, then start deploying sakaiprod2-6 and sakaiprodmail1
    • (06:00 Mike) Start all other app servers(sakaiprod2-6 and sakaiprodmail1)
    • (06:10 Mike) Remove maintenance mode for sakaiprod1-6 and sakaiprodmail1
    • (06:15 Mike) Validate all app servers are not in maintenance mode
