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The following is a compilation from the CCFIT CMS Report. We will need to track progress on the groups' concerns at the time as well as their recommendations re: current tools and potential additional features.

link aliasTEST

Specific Requirements

The new course management tool system must, at a minimum supply what is currently available on MyUCDavis


  • 242 Instructors have created items (cumulative use, through Winter 2005)
  • 5,935 Multiple Choice questions
  • 1,007 Paragraph questions
  • 8,259 students have taken 62,370 online quizzes.

CCFIT CMS Report Highlights#TESTTEST

Strengths: Item database allows creation of both online quizzes and paper exams. Detailed item statistics and analysis. Faculty can 'share' quizzes and items.
Weakness: limited to 35 users at one time. Item feedback automatically shows the student the feedback for all the answers; an instructor should be able to just release the feedback for the selected answer. Unable to edit or delete quizzes or items once a student has taken them. As the items are individual specific, not course specific, this results in a large build-up of useless items that cannot be purged. No ability to 'reset' a student's quiz attempt. Feedback indicates that gains in adopting this tool are greatly offset by the difficulties of using it.
All tools suffered because of bandwidth limitations - the slow speed that these sites are served at is a serious impediment to the process of learning how to use these tools.
