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Question Pool Function



Funtion Loss / Gain

create a question

Questions are created independently and are added from the pool or a collection to a quiz

questions are created in a pool or in a quiz; a question can be shared from a quiz to a pool, but from a pool to a quiz, it is a duplicate.

Samigo questions are primarily associated by relationship to a quiz or a pool. Creation is more flexible and can be shared from either creation point.

edit a question

A question cannot be modified if it is on a quiz that has been taken

A quiz question shared to a pool shares modifications ; a pool question copied to a quiz does not share modifications

User should be cautious about the question origination point depending on whether they want a copy or the original

delete a question

Questions can be removed from a quiz, but cannot be deleted from the pool

Questions can be deleted from a quiz or a pool; once shared, the question must be deleted in both locations if complete removal is desired.

Deletion is a feature gained. Users should be aware of deletion specifics; program checks on every deletion request.

question pool hierarchy

QB consists of a single pool only
; collections offer single subpool hierarchy level of organization

Samigo allows for multiple pools/subpools allowedEven in unlimited number of levels

Samigo Performance issues and usage studiesEven if subpool hierarchy is limited in the future, this is a gain

pool/collection features

questions may be sequentially stored in collections

multiple subpools allowed

Even if subpool hierarchy is limited in the future, this is a gain

question/pool ownership

questions, pools and collections are owned by a single individual

sharing questions, pools

question pools/collections cannot be shared through the UI
although individual questions or quizzes can be shared
you can not edit a question you did not create

question types

QB has the following types: multiple choice, fill in the blank (ordered and unordered), matching, essay, and calculated

Samigo has importable types: multiple choice, survey, fill in the blank, matching, True/False, and essay

All question types except for calculated questions are importable from QB to Samigo. Imports are already successfully completed for questions in quizzes
