Versions Compared


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As of 8/11/06 there are 10,423 questions stored in the MyUCDavis equivalent of question pools.
Some of the content will not be migrated because the original owners are no longer valid Kerberos/UCD personnel; other questions are not valid, that is, were incompletely formed. A portion of these questions are calculated question type which has no equivalent in Samigo.

The question pool numbers break down as follows:

  • Total number of questions in the database: 10,423
  • Total number of valid questions with valid owners: 96509514
  • Number of calculated question types: 238
  • Total number of valid questions, not calculated type, with valid owners: 9297
  • Total number of distinct owners: 335
  • Total number of valid owners: 281
  • Question count/valid owners breakdown:
    • 1 - largest question count: Harold Davis, VetMed - 1181 questions
    • 1 - second largest question count: Beth Post, Psych - 638 questions
    • 4 - instructors in 300 - 400 count range
    • 19 - instructors in 100 - 299 count range
    • 21 - instructors in 50 - 99 count range
    • 34 - instructors in 25 - 49 count range
    • 27 - instructors in 11 - 24 count range
    • 174 - instructors in 1 - 10 count range


  • 281 valid question pool owners of 9650 total questions
  • 98% of owners manage question pools with 1-400 299 questions
  • 60 valid owners of 197 collections
  • 98% of collections contain 1-43 questions
  • 2% of valid questions are calculated questions

The six instructors with question pools with more than 300 questions may require assistance to successfully import and manage their question pool migration to Samigo. Those instructors with collections may find migration easier if the export function is added to the collection screen, since they will be able to organise their content in subpools immediately after import.

The gap analysis concludes that most features will be neutral or show a gain as imstructors move from using Quiz Builder to Samigo. Those gains include:

  • ability to delete a question allowing better question pool management
  • more flexible, multi-level question pool design
  • future potential for sharing question pools via an export/import or access management process
  • all question types except for the 2% calculated types will migrate
  • media files will migrate to Samigo, although a manual process is required to add them to questions


Proposed Question Pool/Collection Export Process
