- Type: course website
--Academic Term: Summer 2006. We need to handle this better, in that the term will appear when the user selects the Site Info tool. We need to sync the properties data with Banner at some point, and Sakai 2.2 handles this properly with the site manage tool. - Title: BIS 001A 001 (appears in the tab)
--Note, this will create a site with the format "SUBJ COURSEID SECTION". Based on what academic term was selected previously, the tab will show a Quarter that is not synced up directly with what will be used in the batch provisioning process at a later date. The batch process uses the format SUBJ COURSEID SECTION TERMABBREV TERMYR - Roster: Choose I want to give access to a roster not listed above
- Authorizer's name: account that authorizes this site to be created. E.g. sitemaker
- Short Description: some short description of the course
- Description: some description of the course
- Appearance(icon): default
- Contact, Contact email information
- Tool Set: Email Archive, etc. Whatever tools you want to have in site. Is there a default set?
- Publish site?: yes
- Role to assign to joiners: (e.g. Student, Instructor, etc.) Course sites will have default of "Student" role assigned.
- Select "Request site" upon confirmation of details.
Site is then created for you.
Adding tools to the site
- Default tools to use are: