Versions Compared


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Gradebook 2 format recommendations for syllabus AAS 41ANS 41 F06#3
Grading: Grading will be based upon: 10 "clicker" quizzes worth 20 % of the total grade, a Midterm examination worth 30 % of the total grade, and a comprehensive Final examination worth 50 % of the total grade. A Personal Response System ("clicker") is mandatory and needs to be purchased by the student (e.g., at UCD bookstore).


Gradebook 2 format recommendations for syllabus WMS 200A F02WMS 200A F02#4
Course Structure and Requirements:
Discussion Facilitator
    Questions                       5%
    Short Essay                  15%
    In-Class Discussion     10%
Final Paper/Project
    Proposal                          5%
    Presentation                  15%
    Paper/Project                 50%


Gradebook 2 format recommendations for syllabus SOC 25SOC 25 W09#5
The TAs and I will provide more information about the paper and the critical commentaries in lecture. Attendance in section is mandatory, and will constitute a portion of your grade. Below is our working template for calculating course grades (this is subject to minor revision; you'll be informed of any changes):
Section attendance               5%
Critical commentaries        10%
Progressive paper               30% (5% stage one; 10% stage two; 15% stage three)
Midterm exam                      20% (multiple-choice only)
Final exam                           35% (multiple choice, 20%, and essay, 15%)       
Letter grades will follow the usual pattern:
90-100%=A, 80-89%=B, 70-79%=C, 60-69%=D.


Gradebook 2 format recommendations for syllabus AST 10gAST10g F07#6
    25% Homework
    10% Online Quizzes
    5%   CHiPPs
    20% First Midterm
    20% Second Midterm
    20% Final
    Your lowest quiz grade and your lowest homework grade will be dropped when calculating your final grade. In addition, everyone will receive 10 free CHiPPs points. Any evidence of cheating on homeworks, exams, or in-class participation will be reported to Student Judicial Affairs. You should be very familiar with the Code of Academic Conduct.
    Homework:        There will be weekly homework assignments to help you digest the material. The midterms and final will be based on very similar problems to those covered in the homework assignments. Homework should be placed in the locked boxes at the back of RESSLR 66. It will be picked up 15 minutes after the start of class. No late homework will be accepted.
    Online Quizzes:        To encourage you to read ahead and give you credit for doing so, there will be a very short online quiz (only a few questions) due every TUESDAY which covers the coming week's reading. These quizzes must be completed by 10:00 AM. (Do not wait to the last minute as the on-line system can sometimes be flaky.)
    Classroom High-Tech Participation Points (CHiPPs):        During lectures, I will periodically ask questions which can be answered using your hand-held devices. Your answers will be recorded, tallied, and displayed by the computer. All in-class responses will be displayed anonymously, so click without fear! Right answers are not necessary! You will earn extra credit just for participating (and some more for getting the right answers). For more information on our new system, see Interwrite Learning.
