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In order to enable WebDAV on Sakai 2.0, the following modules must be installed.

h3. Required module(s) for WebDAV
#1-. The correct krb5.conf file for UC Davis' KDC
#2-. A jaas.conf file that includes other configuration information needed for the provider
#3-. Custom UserDirectoryProvider, UC Davis' Provider, which is a modified version of Stanford's provider.  Thanks to Casey Dunn at Stanford for providing this example.
#4-. The ucdprovider directory from SVN.  This will be added to the [*Sakai Source*]\providers directory.
#5-. commons-lang.jar and commons-configuration.jar.  This will be placed in the Tomcat\shared\lib directory.
#6-. The project.xml and components.xml that will be place in the [*Sakai Source*]\providers\components directory
#7-. A keytab file for access to the KDC.  See Scott Amerson for details.

h2. Sakai 2.0.+/WebDav Install Instructions
Source #1is Golocated toin SVN, andcurrently download necessary provider code, available for either 2.0.0 or 2.0.1 Sakai frameworks.
Code is given as a providers/UserDirWebDAV/branch/200 or providers/UserDirWebDAV/branch/201 directory.

Java package structure is detailed below:
|ucdprovider||source dir||package||Source code||||
|-----------|-----------||misc LDAP extensions, not implemented||||

This directory contains a, an implementation of the UserDirectoryProvider specifically for UC Davis.
This code is taken from examples from Columbia's provider, and Stanford's LDAP implementation.

Please see KerberosDirectoryProvider README for other information with respect to using jaas to implement Kerberos Authentication in Sakai.

In addition, to protect the integrity of your Kerberos password, the use 
of a secure Web front-end is HIGHLY recommended.  Enabling SSL should be done prior to deploying this code.


The package structure for the module is as follows: //source code // file that should be copied into Tomcat sakai dir 

To use this provider:

1) Download source from SVN
2) Configure Java for Kerberos using JAAS:

- Create a file jaas.config (jaas.config example provided in SVN)  in the your Java installation, usually in 
$JAVA_HOME/lib/security or $JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/security.

- Add this block (or edit an existing block):

KerberosAuthentication { required

- Note, it is very important to have a semicolon at the end, and no other place!

The UserDirectoryProvider uses the KerberosAuthentication context by 
default; it can be configured by changing the loginContext parameter in 
the components.xml file.  See KerberosDirectoryProvider documentation for more details.

23) Copy the properties file, from code/properties to your TOMCAT_HOME/sakai directory.

34) Copy the code/ucdprovider directory into the Sakai_dir/providers directory.

45) Copy the following from the code/providersconf directory:

	a. components.xml into the Sakai_dir/providers/components/webapp/WEB-INF directory
	b. project.xml into the Sakai_dir/providers/components directory

-To note here, uncomment out any previous provider reference that is no longer used

56) Download two dependencies, commons-lang.jar, and commons-components.jar.  These jars may be found at, and should be placed in the TOMCAT_HOME/shared/lib directory.

67) Attain a keytab file from IET Middleware, and place modify the location of this file in the jaas.config file in Step 1) above.   

78) Rebuild Sakai, and start Tomcat


See KerberosDirectoryProvider README.txt for any advanced options.

h2. Technical Design

A solution to the WebDAV/Sakai integration problem is detailed below.  The following diagrams (class, flow) detail the technical information related to the solution.
