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A reminder to please get your 2-3 bullet points for the IET Report to Michael Giardina before the end of the day, Wednesday. We'd like to make sure the summary of our activities reflects the key messages and key developments/accomplishments you'd like communicated.

Friday 4/21/2006


1. Review IET Report Entry for Sakai

2. Public Site Mock-up for Final Development

2. Picnic Day Flier

3. Join the IT Times Planning Team

4. Confluence Updates

5. UCD Sakai Baby Featured in Sakai Newsletter

6. I&E Writer to Help With Faculty Profiles

Here is your update for this Friday: 4/21/06
Attention: Items in need of your response are clearly marked with the tag Contribute

1) Contribute Review IET Report Entry for Sakai
Thanks to everyone who provided IET Report bullet point earlier this week. I have reviewed those entries and developed a rough draft of the entry for your review. Please read through the following draft and make suggestions for points that should be added, removed, or clarified. You'll note that there are currently no references to SITT. This will either be added on Monday, or separated out as a unique IET Report Entry.

IET Prepares for Fall Release of Sakai Course Management Software and Collaboration Tools

Working with the Schools of Medicine and Veterinary Medicine, IET is coordinating a campus initiative to implement the UC Davis version of Sakai, a set of open source collaboration and learning management tools, which will ultimately replace the course management modules (e.g. Gradebook, Quizbuilder, etc.) now available through the MyUCDavis portal, as well as introduce new collaborative tools, including a discussion board, wiki, chat room, and more.

The first offering of the new course management tools is planned for Fall 2006. In preparation, fourteen (question) participants experimented with the new course management and collaboration tools in the campus' winter and spring pilots, where several applied the new tools to their instructional needs, met weekly to discuss pedagogy and practical applications for Sakai, and offered suggestions for improvements that could be incorporated prior to release. IET has extended its pilot to the Summer and plans to welcome several new faculty members.

To gauge fall support needs, IET will be assisting the School of Medicine by hosting two classes from their Family Nurse Practitioners - Physician's Assistant Program. Meanwhile, support groups?including ET Partners, the Faculty Mentoring Faculty Program, and IT Express (the campus computing helpdesk), have created support strategies, developed online and offline training resources, and planned workshops and training sessions that will kick off in early May.

UC Davis is working closely with both UC Berkeley and Stanford, providing programming support for enhancements to their GradeBook and QuizBuilder modules. These tools are expected to be completed and available for campus use by Winter 2007. For this reason, Sakai will initially be provided in support of research, collaboration, and teaching for those instructors with small, single-section classes.

To ensure the campus community is aware of the most up to date information concerning Sakai, a public Web site has been developed that provides a comparative overview of tools, an implementation timeline, tutorials, frequently asked questions, video demonstrations, and other support materials.

To learn more about the Sakai implementation at UC Davis, visit (coming soon)

2) Contribute Public Site Mock-up for Final Development
In the next few days, all public-site copy text and material that has been submitted by team members will be added to a single confluence page, entitled: "Public Sakai Mock-up." When all submitted information has been moved to this single page, Sakai team members will be asked to look over the contents, and then suggest additions, subtractions, and edits.

The process of merging this content has already begun. To get a sense for the scope, see the page linked below:

Uploaded into confluence in this way, all team members can edit the content and update it dynamically without having to work with HTML documents. When all members have had a chance to add and delete content, it shouldn't take more than a few hours to port all content directly from confluence into the public Web site. This task will be performed closer to the release date. As a result, few changes will be made to the existing public Web site prototype on the Sakai server unless necessary or requested. Feel free to respond with any questions or concerns regarding this.

By the end of the day Monday, if you notice that I have neglected to incorporate content for the public Web site that you sent to me earlier this month, please contact me ASAP and I will add that information as a top priority. Ideally, we would like to get all team-submitted content on that page by the end of the day Monday, so that everyone can review and make suggestions by Thursday, to then show to faculty at the FMFP meeting on Friday.

3) Picnic Day Flier
Yesterday, Roger Ashton, Michael Giardina, and Robin Weir developed a Sakai flier to distribute to picnic day attendees. Copies of the flier were delivered to Joe Castillo on Friday. For your convenience, a PDF of this flier has been attached to this e-mail message.

3) Contribute Join the IT Times Planning Team
If you would like to play a role in the development of the Sakai Special Edition of the IT Times, please contact Michael Giardina to join the IT Times planning team and receive e-mail updates of upcoming meetings.

The first meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, April 25, 2006 from 2:00 PM to 3:00 PM.

4) Confluence Update

  • Added "What can I DO with Sakai?" to "IT Times, Summer 2006" and filled in added information per KA's request about the personal uses of Sakai not directly related to teaching.
  • Reminder of Tuesday's IT Times planning session (4/25) added to IT Times, Summer 2006
  • reminder re: IT Times planning session (bring ideas and identify faculty who can help plan)
  • Added "Public Sakai Mock-up" to archive/organize/prepare Public Sakai Site copy text for completion.
  • Sandra added a comment to "Implementation Timeline Summary for Fall 2005 - Winter 2007" making a distinction between public and private timeline content.
  • Sandra added a comment to "Communications," clarifying support strategies.
  • Sandra added a comment to "Training and Support: Strategy and Tactics," clarifying several of the support related questions mentioned in the document.
  • MG will incorporate Sandra's comments into the document next week.

5) UCD Sakai Baby Featured in Sakai Newsletter
Take a moment to take a peek at Sara Catherine Donnelly?7 pounds, 3ounces, and 19 1/2" long, born to Brian Donnelly. His baby girl was featured in this weeks Sakai newsletter, accessible via the PDF below.

6) I&E Writer to Help with Faculty Profiles
I&E Writer, Caren Weintraub, will be helping us draft a number of faculty profiles that will be used for IT Times, HyperText, and the Public Web site. Working with pilot participants, Chris Sarason, and the ET Partners, Caren will get the faculty-profile wheels spinning.

Please feel free to offer her any suggestions or requests. Let's hope she's able to get a few of these looking beautiful, before her beautiful baby decides its time to pop into the real world. For those counting, that will make baby number 3 for UC Davis' friends of Sakai.

Cheers to everyone. I hope you all have a wonderful weekend and, of course, enjoy picnic day if that's the sort of monster event you fancy trudging through. Until Next week...

Wednesday 4/26/2006

Friday 4/28/2006
