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On 10/29/2005 one of our Middleware gurus, Brian Donnelly became the first campus Sakai-father! Born 7 pounds 3 ounces and 19 1/2" long, his daughter Sara Catherine will undoubtedly appreciate the joys of collaborative learning some day!
Thomas Amsler, Sakai Programmer and System Architect, is expecting a baby girl in May! The team will be celebrating the impending delivery with a pot luck celebration luncheon on April 12th. What does this mean for Thomas? Java - config - xml - baby girl - reboot - servers - diapers - coding - bottles - late nights - Sakai - rattles - no more sleep!


Friday 4/14/2006


1. IET Report, Entries Reminder

2. Verify the Final Comparative Overview of Tools

3. Tracking Training Sessions and Demonstrations

4. UC TLtC: The Topsy-Turvy World of Wikis

5. TSC Survey Reminder

6. Sakai Pilot Usage Stats

7. Confluence Updates

Here is your update for this Friday: 4/14/06. Items in need of your response are clearly marked with the tag Contribute

1 Contribute IET Report, Entries Reminder
The deadline for final IET Report entry submissions to Lisa Howard is Wednesday, April 19th. Please use the following deadlines to guide this process.

1) By Monday, January 17th, please submit the two to three most important points that you believe should be covered in the IET report. Include any relevant facts or figures you believe I would not otherwise have access to.
2) I will draft the entry between the end of the day Monday and the beginning of the day Tuesday
3) The working draft will be forwarded for your final approval.
4) The entry will be submitted Wednesday, April 19th.

2 Contribute Verify the Final Comparative Overview of Tools
It appears that different team members have been simultaneously developing a comparative overview of tools. Lets not duplicate work and agree on a final implementation and feature description and comparison page.

3 Contribute Tracking Training Sessions and Demonstrations
Please be aware that on confluence we are tracking all training sessions and demonstrations (times, dates, locations, topics), as well as hosting digital materials that may be of help in the future. confluence.

Recently added is a presentation entitled "Teaching and Technology Demonstration (PPT)," provided to by Andy Jones and Nancy Olsen.

4 UC TLtC Submissions
In the upcoming months, we would like to begin submitting appropriate articles, such as those in the IT Times to the UC TLtC News by E-mail service. The UC TLtC Webzine and Online Forum ( is a publication of the University of California Office of the President, Department of Academic Initiatives.

They recently published an article on wikis, entitled "The Topsy-Turvy World of Wiki."

This column may be of use to faculty pilot participants, so please consider reviewing the excerpt below and passing on the full text to any potentially interested parties.

For people (of a certain age?) who are accustomed to the old publishing paradigm in which information is written, published, and maintained in a controlled process, the usefulness of wikis may be difficult to understand. As consumers, we wonder why anyone would trust information that is editable by the masses and has no single person in charge of vetting it for accuracy, style, and other editorial standards on which we've come to rely (the Wikipedia controversy proves our point). As writers, we are uncomfortable with joint authorship, hesitating to give up control of what we've written.


5 Contribute TSC Survey Reminder
As a final reminder, we are planning to poll TSCs to better gauge their role in supporting course management tools, especially those external to MyUCDavis. Please take approximately five minutes to access and arbitrarily mock-answer by Friday the virtual survey we have stored at: By providing your mock answers, we will be able to test the effectiveness of Breeze Presenter's database and reporting functionality.

6 Contribute Sakai Pilot Usage Statistics
Please help us keep track of pilot participants by updating this confluence matrix with the data you have available.

The goal of this document is to: a) feature on the public site specific information faculty will find useful and b) provide a mechanism for the point persons in IET, VetMed, The School of Medicine, etc. to continually update this information to create one, single, up-to-date record. We will continue to update it ourselves, but need your input to create a complete, useable document that contains quarter, campus unit, department, courses, faculty participants, number of students, tools used, the URL to their Sakai site.

7 Confluence Updates
Sakai-COM Updates for FRI, April 14

Wednesday 4/19/2006

Friday 4/21/2006
