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Cheers to everyone. I hope you all have a wonderful weekend and, of course, enjoy picnic day if that's the sort of monster event you fancy trudging through. Until Next week...

Wednesday 4/26/2006


1. Public Sakai Site Content Review by FMFP

2. IT Times Planning Meeting Recap

3. Meet Bill Buchanan, our new senior writer.

4. Kirk Alexander Presents at Educause

5. Picnic Day Flier Consumption

6. Confluence Updates

7. CW out for her Sakai Baby "soft" Roll-out

Here is your update for this Wednesday: 4/26/06
Attention: Items in need of your response are clearly marked with the tag Contribute

1) Contribute Public Sakai Site Content Review by Faculty
This Friday, MG will bring and present the public Web site content to our FMFP participants, who will be asked to review the content and recommend additions, subtractions, edits, etc.

To make sure that our faculty have the opportunity to review as much of the complete site as possible, please drop by the mock up site to ensure that all content you've submitted is currently posted:

By Thursday afternoon, please send any additional information that you believe should be added to the document before pilot participants review it. If there is missing information, please send it to MG. Also send any other documents you'd like included in the presentation.

On that note, if initial captivates, tech-tips, or any other needed information is ready for a cursory faculty review, please send them along so that MG can include them in the FMFP participant packet. They need not be complete, as the faculty will likely have useful feedback to provide you.

Once again, please review for completeness:

2) IT Times Planning Meeting Recap
Thanks to those who came to the 4/25 ITT Planning Meeting. If you were unable to attend, below is a preview of our agenda:

  • Share Key Objectives for the Special Addition of IT Times
  • Plan possible story assignments and identify resources for story writers
  • Overview of initial production timeline
  • Overview and discussion of distribution plan

Attendees generally agreed with the key objectives identified:
1) Introduce the new UC Davis Course and collaboration system
2) Make the new system tangible to the reader
3) Prepare readers and get them involved

For a complete description of these key objectives, please view the attachments tab on confluence, available at:

Meeting participants provided a number of good suggestions that have been logged and documented on confluence. These include (but are not limited to):

Feature Story of NO's Sakai Class on Graduate Dissertation
Feature of FMFP, spotlighting active participants
Don, Roger, Kiskis, Holomon, Delano, Meisenheimer, McDonald, Parfit
Additional contacts: Dorothy Frasier, Virginia Hass, Jan, Ray
Address teacher's concern about switching systems.
Encourage participation in the fall
(KA): Address the theme of collaboration amongst UCs. Bring up Educause. Learning form reach other. It's both a software program and a community. UC Davis was "At the right place at the right time" to identify Sakai as a need.
(AJ): "Why should I put my time into this?" - Tools can be used for many contexts, including personal.
"Intelligently hit the highlights"
Suggest spotlighting a mentor that is willing to list himself as such in IT Times.
Circumvent the "Fear & Dread"
Back-up benefits with a timeline to accurately reflect expectations.
Add a preview of future IT Times
Get Peter to write/podcast "How I use Sakai." (Possibly in support of research?)
Work with Jann Ilkew at VetMed
Link to the public Web site.
For more information, see

Open the attachments section if you are interested in downloading the meeting notes as provided by NO.

3) Meet Bill Buchanan, our new senior writer
If you haven't already, feel free to drop by I&E to meet our new senior writer, Bill Buchanan. Bill will be in charge of coordinating the special Sakai edition of IT Times and will work closely with MG, as well as the rest of the team members. We all look forward to working with him and are certain his contributions will be an essential asset to our project. Below I have included contact information, should you need to contact Bill.

Bill Buchanan
Phone: 7-5797
AIM: (N/A)
Location: JVdP's old lair, between Julie McCall and Lisa Howard.

4) Kirk Alexander Presents at Educause
On Monday, April 24, Kirk Alexander co-presented the "Sakai and System-wide Collaboration" track at Educause. The event discussed the Sakai Foundation and System-Wide Collaboration Opportunities for the University of California. Other co-presenters included Mara Hancock (UC Berkeley), Rose Rocchio (UCLA), Faust Gorham (UC Merced), and George Michaels (UC Santa Barbara). To view the PowerPoint presentation that these folks provided, please see the confluence link below:

5) Picnic Day Flier Consumption
In the last update, we provided a PDF of our picnic day Sakai flier. We are happy to report that approximately 150 people opted to pick up a flier to read more about the Sakai course management system. We plan to distribute the remaining at future events.

6) Confluence Updates

7) CW out for her Sakai Baby "soft" Roll-out
In a previous update, we mentioned that Caren Weintraub would be assisting with faculty spotlights, profiles, podcasts, etc. Unfortunately for us (but perhaps fortunately for her), the baby is on its way and she has decided to stay home in preparation for the grueling next few days. In the mean time, i&e will talk with FMFP participants, as well as AJ and CS to decide on a strategy for moving forward on these projects.

Let's all take a moment to wish Caren the best of luck with the coming of her soon-to-be new-born. Unfortunately, CW doesn't have the benefit of a highly organized pilot project.

Friday 4/28/2006

Wednesday 5/3/2006