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Let's all take a moment to wish Caren the best of luck with the coming of her soon-to-be new-born. Unfortunately, CW doesn't have the benefit of a highly organized pilot project.

Friday 4/28/2006


1. Sakai Public Web Site Update

2. IT Times Update

3. Confluence Updates

4. Provide Updates to Public Site Needs

And responsibilities matrix.

Here is your update for this Friday: 4/28/06. Items in need of your response are clearly marked with the tag Contribute
1. Sakai Public Web Site Update
A draft of the public Web site has been constructed, printed, and will be presented to faculty pilots at today's Faculty Mentoring Faculty Program. They will be asked to focus primarily on the tools description, the frequently asked questions, and the "Get Involved" section. After incorporating their suggestions, the site content will be ported into the Sakai work site. At that time, faculty pilots will be asked to again review the document in its improved format. After final comments and suggestions from faculty pilots and team members have been incorporated, the site will be ready to go live.

Please note that the faculty will not be reviewing the following items today:

Online Video Tutorials (Captivates)
Sakai Documentation: Student Users Guide
Sakai Documentation: Faculty Users Guide
Student Quick Reference Guide
Faculty Quick Reference Guide
Please keep MG up to date on the progress of these items, especially the Online Video Tutorials.

To review the public site content as it stands before the faculty pilot meeting today, feel free to visit the confluence site:

2. IT Times Updates
Up to speed and raring to go, our new senior writer?Bill Buchanan?is in the process of finalizing a story list for the IT Times and has also developed a preliminary production timeline to meet our internal and external deadlines. In the next few days, either I or Bill will likely be talking to a number of you to finalize facts, leads, etc. For your convenience, I've attached the most recent draft of our story list so you can get a heads up for what kind of information we may be snooping for in the near future.

For those who haven't noticed, I&E has been blessed with another BB acronym. Until a more unique naming plan is adopted in our office, please be advised that "Bb" refers to Babette Schmitt and "BB" refers to Bill Buchanan. Should another 'double-b' appear in our ranks, we will refer to them as John Doe.

Without further hesitation:

IT Times, Sakai edition, story list
Publication date: June 1
Contact: Bill Buchanan (sr. writer, VP-IET), or 757-5797

1) Overview: A crisp, clean and quick intro to UCD's version of Sakai, written for the layperson. What it is, why it's here, what it will do, why it's worth your time if you teach, research, work or study at UCD (point out that it's a collaboration of several significant universities). With editor's note identifying this ITT as a special issue on Sakai (MG)

2) FAQs as a sidebar/graphic to the overview, with succinct answers. Ten total; (MG) will come up with 10, working with others in the Sakai group, and collect answers.

Some ideas:

1) What it offers

2) Who created it, both off-campus and at UCD?

3) Why did they create it?

4) How it works (now and next year)

5) Why UC Davis is adopting it

6) Why it's eventually replacing that part of MyUCDavis

7) What it does for professors and instructors

8) What it does for researchers

9) What it does for staff

10) What it does for students

3) The first wave: a personable story on the first users of Sakai at UC Davis - the professors, students and support staff who have used the pilot versions. What's their story? What stood out for them? How'd they use it? What do they like about it? With photo of user with something cool that represents his/her use of Sakai. It might be a photo of several students who formed a network through Sakai; it might not have a computer in the photo at all. It must have people. (BB)

4) Q&A interview with three varied faculty pilot users, sprinkled in blocks throughout the pages (one question per block, followed by their answers). With photos of the users. (BB)

1) Why did you join the pilot?

2) What did you use it for?

3) What's your advice to faculty who haven't used Sakai yet?

5) A quick evaluation: I'm a teacher or researcher; how do I know if converting to Sakai is right for me this year? A checklist with questions with answers that award the user points (depending on how they answer), with a scale ranging from 1 to 20 (or so) - from "hold off" to "sign up now." It helps readers decide if they should jump in or wait. w/infobox telling reader they can get a more detailed assessment online at ...(MG/RA/RW)

6) Forward spin: what's next for Sakai, both planned and potential? With infobox pointing to site to find updates (BB/KA)

7) If you want to sign up, here's what you do: a point-by-point graphic on how to get started, with list of phone numbers to call for help, plus reference sites, places to go to learn more (summer orientation, etc.), and where to find the practice/demo site. (MG/BB/RA/RW)

8) The big picture: To step back for perspective – and underscore why Sakai will be a required system in a few years – a short, crisp essay on how Sakai fits the overall tech evolution of UCD's educational mission. (Bb)

Plus minimal space for summer IET updates and advisories (maybe pointing readers to a summer UCD tech update Web site)

3. Confluence Updates

4. Contribute Provide Updates to Public Site Needs and responsibilities matrix
Having a status on high priority public site content will be essential for the next few weeks. As a result, please take a moment to review the "Public Site Needs and Responsibilities Matrix" that we have been working with for the past few weeks.

Please read the current status and let MG know if it should be changed to more accurately reflect progress. As I review the recent changes on confluence, feel more than willing to change the status yourself; however, if you don't have time or are unfamiliar with confluence formatting, simply e-mail me any requested changes and I'll make sure it gets done.

Wednesday 5/3/2006