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Naming Principles and



The name we choose for the new system must be as clear to the user, as effective and as fully leveraged as possible. To meet this goal, we've identified a number of key guiding principles and a multi-step process. These principles and process will lead to a name and tagline that will become powerful components of the communication strategy.

Goals and vision for the new collaborative learning management system:
?Implement a rich, reliable, and user-friendly enterprise-level collaborative learning environment for UC Davis faculty, students, staff, and affiliates
?Support multi-level collaboration among students, instructors, and other academic partners
?Build a campuswide community of users

Naming Objectives
The new name will be based on the following principles:
?Achieve differentiation from existing systems
?Easy to pronounce and remember
?Create positive and lasting engagement with the campus community
?Capture the rich potential of the new system
?Provide a deep well of marketing and advertising images going forward
?Project the system's ability to grow beyond the traditional teaching/learning environment
?Position the new system as a refreshing change from other course/learning management systems

In addition, the name should evoke positive connotations and concepts. It should be/sound:
?Forward thinking
?Map back to teaching, learning and collaborative research.

Naming Criteria
The following criteria will guide the selection of a name for the new system:
