Versions Compared


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Naming Objectives
The new name will be based on the following principles:
*Be relevant to the system's functionality and uses
*Reaffirm the system's association with the MyUCDavis portal.

  • The name should indicate that this is a new version of the old "My Classes" tools (but not confuse with Final Grade Submission)
    *Appeal and be intuitive and meaningful to the folks who will be using the system.
    *Achieve differentiation from existing systems
    *Easy to pronounce and remember
    *Not be "too cute" (or it may be confusing to users if they don't understand what we mean)


  • Project a positive, quality, professional image.
    *Capture the rich potential of the new system


  • *Project the system's ability to grow beyond the traditional teaching/learning environment
    *Position the new system as a refreshing change from other course/learning management systems

The name of our Sakai instance will need to:

  • Have a name that distinguishes the Sakai part from all the other components of MyUCDavis. This avoids the confusion with the "portal" or email and allows us to build on the MyUCDavis name.
  • Keep the name short
  • Try and make the name meaningful to the users
  • The name should indicate that this is a new version of the old "My Classes" tools (but not confuse with Final Grade Submission)
  • *Provide a deep well of marketing and advertising images going forward

In addition, the name should evoke positive connotations and concepts. It should be/sound:
?Forward thinking
?Map back to teaching, learning and collaborative research.
