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Naming Criteria
The following criteria will guide the selection of a name for the new system:

**Appearance - Simply how the name looks as a visual signifier, in a logo, an ad, on a poster, etc. The name will always be seen in context, but it will be seen, so looks are important.
Distinctive -Being distinctive is only one element that goes into making a name memorable, but it is a required element, since if a name is not distinct from a sea of similar names it will not be memorable. It's important, when judging distinctiveness, to always consider the name in the context of the product it will serve.
Depth - Layer upon layer of meaning and association. Names with great depth never reveal all they have to offer all at once, but keep surprising you with new ideas.
Energy - How vital and full of life is the name? Does it have buzz? Can it carry an ad campaign on its shoulders?
Humanity - A measure of a name's warmth, its "humanness," as opposed to names that are cold, clinical, unemotional. Another - though not foolproof - way to think about this category is to imagine each of the names as a nickname for one of your children.
Positioning - How relevant the name is to the positioning of the new system, the new services that will be offered. Also, how many relevant messages does the name map to?
Sound - Again, while always existing in a context of some sort or another, the name WILL be heard, from formal presentations to casual conversations. Sound is twofold - not only how the name sounds, but how easily it will be spoken by those who matter most: the potential user. Word of mouth is a big part of the marketing approach for the new system, but if people aren't comfortable saying the name, the word won't get out as quickly or as much.
Buzz - The word-of-mouth buzz that the name is likely to generate. It's that certain something that makes people lean forward and want to learn more about the system, and to want to share that information with others.
