Fall 2006 Implementation a.k.a Roll-out: Communication Strategy and Goals
Note: Revised schedule says that we are expanding the pilot program to
more faculty this fall and are NOT doing a full roll-out.
- Gradually introduce the new online collaboration and learning system to UC Davis faculty, students, staff, and other affiliates. (The campus is moving forward with the 'enterprise version' of Sakai.)
- Focus initially on three areas: a) existing users of the MyUCDavis CMS, b) small classes, and c) support for multi-level research and collaboration among students, instructors, and other academic partners.
- Position the system in support of pedagogy, research, and collaboration needs.
- Diversify the communication approach to include a variety of partners, enablers, and communication tactics.
- Draw on pilots and other campuses' implementations to illustrate the system's easy-to-use features and potential uses.
- Launch first major phase of communications in Spring 2006; target support groups in summer; launch second major phase in preparation for Fall 2006. Ongoing communications thereafter.