Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • Resorting the buttons on the left.
  • Adding MyUCDavis-style channels
  • Adding dynamic content: Here is the following workaround: Removing the announcement and chat tools will remove their respective boxes off the main (default) page. In the remaining box, direct the content of this page to a URL or dreamweaver page. (NOTE: the top button tool is the one that will apppear on the front/default page.)
  • Can we incorporate Breeze?
  • When you input Web content to a frame, that content (if right or left aligned) pushes up within one to two pixels of the border. From a design perspective, this isn't very pleasing to the eye. Is there some way to set the frame-padding, so text sits nicely centered in the center of the boxes, instead of almost touching?
  • When you add a Web Conent button named "Implementation Timeline" the button gets expanded to fill two lines; however, if you use the name "Training and Support" the "r" and "t" in support get blocked by the right-facing, blue arrow.


  • Combining Sections


  • When asked to submit homework assignments, one FMFP member found that only 1/2 the students could figure out how to accomplish the task.

Potential FAQs

  • Problem: URLs can't have spaces. Solution: Replace them with underscores.