This seems a bit buggy but it still works. The bugginess is that 1) everytime you run maven, there is a 'launch' related error and a dialog, but say 'OK' and maven runs fine.... and, 2) certain project.xml files are misinterpreted as incorrectly formatted by the validator. The dav and dav-server submodules, for example, both are flagged as having invalid formats starting after the first nested tag (<pomVersion>).... where the <name> tag starts.
Semi-automagic tomcat natures
To add tomcat natures without all the repetitive typing:
- for each project, right-click->properties->tomcat... general tab: checkbox 'tomcat project' (can't figure out how to do this any other way)
- quit eclipse
- rest
run this scriptlet in the sakai modules' root directory:
No Format |
foreach file ( `find . -name .tomcatplugin -exec dirname {} \; | awk -F'/' '{print $NF}'` )
sed -i.bak -r "{s/<warLocation>.*<\/warLocation>/<warLocation>\/usr\/local\/tomcat\/webapps\/sakai-$file.war<\/warLocation>/}" \
sed -i.bak2 -r "{s/<webPath>.*<\/webPath>/<webPath>\/sakai-$file.war<\/webPath>/}" \
... change the \/usr\/local\/tomcat (the '/' chars are necessary additions) reference to match your tomcat install.