Versions Compared


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  • Eclipse
  • Local Maven Repository (e.g. C:\mvnrepository)
    • M2_REPO
    • M2_OPTS
  • Rice Foundation Codebase
      Maven (M2_REPO)
      • Download and build codebase
    • JDK

    Development Environment

    Build Sheet

    Install Rice API and Rice Implementation into local Maven repository

    Code Block
    mvn install:install-file -DgroupId=org.kuali.rice -DartifactId=rice-api -Dversion=0.9.4-SNAPSHOT -Dpackaging=jar -Dfile=<workspace>rice-0.9.4\api\target\rice-api-0.9.4-SNAPSHOT.jar
    Code Block
    mvn install:install-file -DgroupId=org.kuali.rice -DartifactId=rice-api -Dversion=0.9.4-SNAPSHOT -Dpackaging=jar -Dfile=<workspace>rice-0.9.4\impl\target\rice-impl-0.9.4-SNAPSHOT.jar

    Create Maven Project

    1. At a command prompt, navigate to your <workspace> (e.g. C:\Development\KualiRice.workspace)
    2. Create a web application project using the maven-archetype-quickstart archetype
      Code Block
      <workspace> mvn archetype:create -DgroupId=edu.ucdavis.iet.kuali.rice -DartifactId=ucd-kim-impl -DarchetypeArtifactId=maven-archetype-quickstart

      This creates a directory named ucd-kim-impl (after the artifactId) in your <workspace>

    3. Navigate to the ucd-kim-impl subdirectory and generate the Eclipse project
      Code Block
      <workspace>\ucd-kim-impl> mvn eclipse:eclipse


    Configure Dependencies on the Build Path

    Method A:
    1. In the Java Build Path dialog box, click on the Libraries tab
    2. Click Add Variable
    3. Select M2_REPO and click OK
    4. Select the variable you just added and click Edit, then Extenstion
    5. Select the appropriate JAR from the Maven repository hierarchy (e.g. spring-2.5.5.jar will be in org/spring/framework/spring/2.5.5)
    6. Repeat for all other dependencies

      If the JAR you want is not already in your local Maven repository, you must install it using mvn:install

    Method B:
    1. In the Java Build Path dialog box, click on the Libraries tab
    2. Click Add External JARs
    3. Select the appropriate JAR from your file system (e.g. C:\JavaLib\spring-framework-2.5.5\dist\spring.jar)
    4. Repeat for all other dependencies
      • Method A works well if you want to perform the Maven builds yourself.
      • Method B works well if you use a continuous integration system like Bamboo to perform the Maven builds.

    Build the JAR

    Deploy to local Maven Repository
