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  1. A database account with access to the Rice database
  2. Procure the UC Davis-specific JARs for the modules you will be embedding along with any of their associated dependencies using either of the following methods:
    • Download ucd-rice-standalone-server-impl WAR from Artifactory , selecting the most recent version. This WAR contains all dependencies.
    • Download JARs for the specific module from this location in the Artifactory , selecting the most recent version.
  3. A certificate for the machine which machines hosting the client application that will be connection connecting to the Rice Standalone Server.
    • Development Environments
      • For the development environments, you may generate a self signed certificate for the client machine and add to the attached rice.keystore using the following command:
        Code Block
        keytool -keystore rice.keystore -storepass nowUCme_nowUdont -v -alias <your alias> -genkeypair -validity 9999 -dname "CN=<your fully qualified machine name>, OU=<your organization>, O=UC Davis, L=Davis, ST=California, C=US"
      • Install the updated rice.keystore in your environment where it will be referenced in the rice configuration files.
      • A copy of the updated rice.keystore must also be installed on the Rice Standalone Server.
      • An additional cert is required on the client development machine for access to the machine hosting the rice standalone development machineserver. A certificate from the rice standalone development machine must be imported into the java cacerts bundle on the client machine. The following command shows how to import the cert (attached) for the development machine:
        Code Block
        keytool -importcert -file rice-sandboxes_ucdavis_edu.pem -keystore cacerts -storepass changeit -alias
      • Certificates for the various development environments (rice-sandboxes, rice-testint1, rice-qa-a, rice-qa-b) are attached to this document.
    • Production Environment
      • For the production environment, an InCommon Certificate is required for the machine(s) which will be connecting to the production Rice Standalone Server.
      • The InCommon cert must be installed in the production rice keystore as well as the keystore of the client application.
      • For more information on how to request an InCommon certificate for your application, visit the following link and click on the SSL Certificate category: MyUCDavis > UCD Resources > Software
